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El Pollo Maligno (literally "Evil Chicken")



El Pollo Maligno (literally "Evil Chicken") is an unusual folkloric monster from Colombian folklore and it is a type of bird closely resembling a common chicken but has supernatural powers and this kind of bird species (often sometimes referred to as "Malvados Pollos" or "Evil Chickens") are but malevolent spirit, making them a kind of negative paranormal entities.

Pollo Maligno will haunt lonely roads and make sounds to either distract travelers or drive them insane, it will also attack them with beak and claw or simply scare them away.

People who play cards, joke or drink are also frequently targetted by Pollo Maligno as the creature despises these things and will actively seek out any who engage in such activities and it has a host of powers at its disposal to make life miserable for those it pursues (as well as potentially end said lives).

It is believed that the only true way to rid onself of Pollo Maligno once the spirit has set its sights upon you as a victim is to pray to Saint Miguel nine times, apparently upon completing these prayers, the divine power of said Saint will drive the evil spirit away and it will not return to pester (or potentially harm) said victim.