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Egyptian Researcher: Too Many Blacks In America And They Are Turning Savage; The West Wants To Resettle Them In Egypt!


Egyptian Researcher Dr. Wassim Al-Sissy: There Are Too Many Blacks In America And They Are Turning Savage; The West Wants To Resettle Them In Egypt; The Afrocentric Movement Claims They Have Roots Here, But Their History Of Cannibalism Is Nothing Like Egyptian Civilization


Egyptian researcher Dr. Wassim Al-Sissy detailed an elaborate plan sponsored by "global Zionism" and Israel for the West to drive African Americans out of the United States and have them resettle in Egypt. He said that the West is seeking to solve the problem of African Americans "multiplying," becoming "more savage," and gaining so much power that they have reached the White House, in a similar fashion to Europe's solution for getting rid of its Jews, by having them sent to Egypt. Al-Sissy said that some Senegalese tribes practiced cannibalism and would lay to rest on the skulls of their victims, and he added that the West seeks to replace the "great" Egyptian civilization. Dr. Wassim Al-Sissy, a urologist and Egyptologist by profession, spoke on Al-Nahar TV (Egypt) on June 30, 2024.

Wassim Al-Sissy: "[The Europeans] had enough of the Jews, and were looking what to do with them. There was a lot of persecution in Europe, and they wanted to get rid of them."


Interviewer: "Get rid of the Jews?"

Al-Sissy: "Yes, the Jews. There was the story from 1987 with Theodor Herzl and his Congress and all that... The Jews also wanted to leave and have an independent country, where they would not be second-class citizens. The motivation on both sides converged – the [Europeans] wanted to get rid of them, and the Jews wanted to leave. So the [Europeans] decided to pave the ground, by robbing history: 'Palestine is yours, it's the Promised Land, you used to live there.'


"The [Americans] now have the same problem with the blacks, who have multiplied and have become more savage. I was at a conference in New York. I was standing on the sidewalk, watching. For every twenty cars driven by a black person, there was one car with a white driver. This is how far it has gone. The blacks have done even better than the Jews. They reached the White House – Obama, for example. So [the Americans] started to think that they should get rid of these people. But how? By sending them back to [Africa]?"




Interviewer: "And those are supposed to be the countries of equality, no racism, and no discrimination..."

Al-Sissy: "No, no. This is all nonsense, from A to Z. It was exposed recently with regard to Gaza. So what to do? They decided, first of all, to rob history. Where should we send them? Let's send them to Egypt. This will resolve many things. We will get rid of them, and they want this as well, because they do not want to remain second-class..."


Interviewer: "So this is how the West wants to get rid of the blacks?"

Al-Sissy: "Yes, get rid of them. They expect global Zionism and Israel to help in this, because these American blacks would replace the Egyptians as their neighbors. The Egyptians boycott Israel and they know this boycott will remain forever."



Interviewer: "Absolutely."

Al-Sissy: "If the history and geography of this region change, Israel will be pleased. This is the reason for the massive funds that Israel and global Zionism provide to the Afrocentric movement. The amounts are crazy. You have no idea.




"There are tribes called the Esbet, or something like that. They eat human flesh and sleep on the skulls of the people they eat. Is this the Egyptian civilization? This is what they like to bring here? They are cannibals. These tribes in Senegal are cannibals. Maybe they have stopped doing this, but they used to do this in the past. They live on the skulls of the people they eat. Can you compare this to what [the West] has gained from the great and wonderful Egyptian civilization?"





The world should send back every ethnicity back to where their forefathers came from, esp those places where the indigenous people don't welcome them.