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eat outside food nowadays very dangerous



Roast meat and seafood suppliers and their directors fined over multiple food safety lapses​

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Farah Daley

Two companies and their directors were fined for food safety lapses, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) said in a statement.
Food processing establishment Hai's Roasted Meat Supplier was fined $30,000 for multiple food safety offences, and its director Luo Lianghai was fined $7,500 for failing to prevent the offences from being committed.
Licenced food importer Golden Ocean Seafood was fined $25,000 for failing to arrange for inspection, examination, and certification by the SFA, as well as for selling the imported food consignments prior to inspections. It's director, Sakita Goichi, was also fined $25,000 for failing to prevent the offences from being committed.
During inspections of Hai's Roasted Meat Supplier’s premises in January, November and December 2022, SFA officers observed several food safety lapses during their production. The lapses include cutting of roasted meat, packing of sauces, and storing meat outside the licensed premises.
The floor of the chiller room and ceiling within the premises were also found to be dirty.
Golden Ocean Seafood had imported three live oyster consignments from France in December 2022, but failed to arrange for SFA to inspect, examine and certify the consignments before selling the products.
The SFA said in Singapore, importers of fish products must arrange for their shipments to be inspected, examined, and certified fit for consumption before they can be sold, distributed it exported.
Seafood products found to be unfit for eating will be seized and disposed.
Food establishments should also ensure their premises are clean and well-maintained, as well as adhere to proper food hygiene and food safety requirements.
"Food safety is a joint responsibility as food can be contaminated anywhere along the food chain," the agency said.
Those who flout the requirement of inspection may be fined up to $10,000 or jailed for up to 12 months.
First-time offenders who sell uninspected and uncertified fish products may be fined up to $50,000, jailed for up to two years, or both.
Repeat offenders may be fined up to $100,000, jailed for up to three years, or both.
Operators who fall foul of food safety regulations may be fined up to $10,000 or jailed for up to 12 months.
Frog and other illegally imported food from Vietnam found in unlicensed cold store in Sembawang
Uncle's Otah Foodstuff and its director fined $30k each for multiple food safety lapses
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This is what I prefer to eat at home. In January, I got very badly poisoned by food from a restaurant, and since then I only eat home-cooked food. I found https://betterme.world/articles/snake-diet/ and am thinking of starting something similar for myself. I wonder how long I can last and how many pounds I will lose because of it
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Alfrescian (Inf)

Roast meat and seafood suppliers and their directors fined over multiple food safety lapses​

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I prefer hawker having their on roasting equipment instead of buying roast meat from factory.