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Chitchat East Asia - Japan GE 2024

Robert Half

This Sunday is the Japan general election 2024 & I had read many news that the public is unhappiness with the ruling coalition ..

It’s seem that the ruling LDP & its coalition partner Komeito is unlikely to win a simple majority of 233 seats :rolleyes:

Hopefully we can see a change in East Asia too .. :smile:

syed putra

Pro CCP-China or anti CCP-China?

That's all that matters.
China and US are about equal and biggest trading partners to Japan.. Very difficult to ditch one or the other. I think many other countries suffer similar fate. They all want to do business but US now dividing up the world between it's poodle or rival. Nothing in between.


Alfrescian (Inf)
China and US are about equal and biggest trading partners to Japan.. Very difficult to ditch one or the other. I think many other countries suffer similar fate. They all want to do business but US now dividing up the world between it's poodle or rival. Nothing in between.

There will be no trade with an enemy country during a wartime scenario.