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Earth is where hell is for the aliens and super humans...


Imagine this. An alien committed crime and send to earth to experience death and no happy ending.....

Feel pain, sorrow, insect bites, disease, punishment, hatred, born with cheebye kenna fuck by those born with lanjiao.... tiu.... bad luck...

Don't eat die.... eat also die... bloody hell..


Old Fart
Imagine this. An alien committed crime and send to earth to experience death and no happy ending.....

Feel pain, sorrow, insect bites, disease, punishment, hatred, born with cheebye kenna fuck by those born with lanjiao.... tiu.... bad luck...

Don't eat die.... eat also die... bloody hell..
Earth is hell for me. So I am either an alien or a super human. I think I am the latter.

Singapore Dancing Spirit


See my Answer:

Let's dive intothe bottom of the Hell to study what it is

Both Heaven and Hell are real, but never reachable by human beings if you are still alive. Sheol is compared to the height of heaven (Job 11:8-9). Sheol is the place in Hell where wicked dead are imprisoned until day of judgement. Even though Hell is located just beneath the earth, it is impossible for a living man to get there. Same thing is true for Planet Heaven as it is located in the far-north (distance is beyond)

Proxima Centauri is the closest star other than Sun at 4.24 light-years away. One lightyear is the astronomical distance is equivalent to about 9.46 trillion kilometers, It gives us an estimate of How long it will take to reach Proxima from earth if we travel at the speed of light. It is inconceivable for an Astro-travel to Planet Heaven as is impossible for a man to get there with the space technology as it may take millions of years (estimate of devil's age). Something is true for hell even though it is located interior to planet earth.

However, our life on earth determines our destiny after death. Our inner -man goes automatically to the Hell if we are wicked. G Force or Gravitational force pulls the wicked soul to the Earth's center of gravity which is synonymous to Hell. It is the center of the earth. through the earth to its center (Num. 16:30-33 Mt. 12:40; Eph. 4:8-10). The heart of the earth is called as the lower parts of the earth (Eph. 4:7-11) and hell (Ps. 16:10 Acts 2:27; 1Pet. 3:19; Heb. 2:14-15). See notes on Lk. 16:23,26. It is also called whales belly symbolic of serpent (Mt. 12:40). The belly of the fish is symbolic of Sheol; for he was in both places, his body in the fish and the soul being in Hades between the time of his death and resurrection (Jonah 2:1-2). So Jonah (similar to Paul to Heaven) was the first man who had been to hell directly and came back alive.

Only Bible outlines a clear picture of Hell as there are 5 different compartments in Hell.
Hell in general is a generic terminology irrespective of individual prisons or all compartments.

Paradise (Lk. 16:19-31; 23:43).
Greek: paradeisos (G3857) is also known as Abraham's bosom. Before the resurrection of Christ all righteous souls went to paradise where they were held captive by the devil against their wills (Heb. 2:14-15). When Christ died His body went to the grave, but He went to paradise and liberated those righteous captives taking them to heaven with Him when He ascended on high (Mt. 12:40 Eph. 4:8-10). Now this remains empty as holy angels carry the doo\d souls to the Paradise located in Heaven.

Sheol.Hades/Torment compartment of Hell (Mt. 16:18; Lk. 16:19-31). -
This is important for us to know as this is exclusively for human beings who are wicked dead/ Greek: Hades (G86), the unseen world of departed men; equivalent of the Hebrew She'owl (H7585). The rebellious or wicked one went to hell where the rich man was (Lk. 16:19-31 Rev. 20:11-15). This is the torment compartment of Sheol/Hades where sould\s of "wicked" men have always gone and will always go until the end of the Millennium. The torment department of hades is being filled more every day and It will hold all the wicked dead until the end of the Millennium when hades will deliver up the souls in it, and the graves will give up all the bodies in them. Then the wicked will be brought out of here to be reunited with their resurrected immortal bodies and cast into the lake of fire (refer point number 5) for eternity (Rev. 20:11-15).

Tartarus (1Pet. 3:19; 2Pet. 2:4; Jude 1:6-7).
In Greek: tartaros (G5020), the deepest abyss of Sheol/Hades. This prison is a special one for fallen angels who sinned before the flood. No human beings or demons ever go to this prison. I had seen this place in a vision.

The Abyss or Bottomless pit
Greek: abussos (G12), bottomless; unfathomed; enormous; abyss; unbounded; immeasurable depth. Translated "bottomless pit; refer Lk. 8:31; Rom. 10:7; Rev. 9:1-3,11; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1-10. This is the abode of satan and some angelic beings. No human soul and spirit ever go to the abyss. The O.T. equivalent is Abaddon and is translated destruction (Job 26:6; 28:22; 31:12; Ps. 88:11; Prov. 15:11; 27:20).

The lake of fire or Everlasting Hell or Gehenna
There is NONE in the lake of fire yet as it is the final destiny for all wicked men and angels after the judgement by Christ. This is the eternal hell and perdition of all fallen angels, demons, and wicked men (Rev. 20:6,11-15; 21:8; 22:15). In Hebrew it is known as gehenna (G1067) of Lk. 12:5. It is the final hell prepared for the devil and his angels (Mt. 25:41) and is eternal in duration (Isa. 66:22-24 Mt. 25:46; Rev. 14:9-14; 19:20; 20:10-15). Greek: limnen (G3041) tou (G3588) puros (G4442), lake of fire, the same as the Gehenna (G1067) of fire - refer to the eternal hell, and perdition of all rebels against God, whether spirits, giants, or wicked one will go there after Millennium.

By religion
This list includes underworlds in various religious traditions, with links to corresponding articles:

Ethnicity Religion Name of underworld
  1. Albanian mythology Ferri
  2. Aztec mythology Mictlan
  3. Mesopotamia mythology Irkalla
  4. Asia Buddhism Naraka (also Niraya)
  5. Catholics Catholicism Hell ( The Word 'Purgatory' is NOT in Bible)
  6. Celtic myth Annwn, Mag Mell, Dubnos
  7. Chinese Taoism Míngjiè 冥界, Huángquán 黄泉, Dìyù 地狱
  8. Christians Christianity 5 compartments
  9. Egyptian mythology Duat, Neter-khertet, Amenti
  10. Estonian mythology Toonela
  11. Fijian mythology Burotu, Murimuria[7]
  12. Finnish mythology Tuonela
  13. Georgian mythology Kveskneli
  14. Germanic mythology Hel, Niflheim
  15. Greek mythology Main article: Greek underworld Elysium, Asphodel Meadows, Tártaros
  16. Guanche mythology Echeide, Guayota
  17. Hinduism myth Patala, Naraka or Yamaloka
  18. Hittite mythology Dankuš daganzipaš/Dankuš tekan (dark earth)
  19. Hopi mythology Maski
  20. Hungarian mythology Alvilág
  21. Inca mythology Uku Pacha
  22. Inuit mythology Adlivun
  23. Islam Jahannam, Sijjin
  24. Jainism Naraka, Adho Loka (the lower world)
  25. Shinto myth Yomi 黄泉, Ne-no-Kuni 根の国, Jigoku 地獄
  26. Korean mythology Ji-Ok 지옥 地獄
  27. Latvian mythology Aizsaule
  28. Lithuanian mythology Anapilis
  29. Malay mythology Alam Ghaib (The unseen realm)
  30. Indonesian mythology Mandaeism World of Darkness (alma d-hšuka)
  31. Māori myth Hawaiki, Rarohenga, Rangi Tuarea, Te Toi-o-nga-Ranga,
  32. Uranga-o-Te-Ra
  33. Mapuche mythology Pellumawida, Degin, Wenuleufu, Ngullchenmaiwe
  34. Maya mythology Xibalba or Metnal
  35. Melanesian mythology (includes Fijian) Bulu, Burotu, Murimuria, Nabagatai, Tuma
  36. Norse mythology Gimlé, Hel, Niflhel, Vingólf
  37. Oromo mythology Ekera
  38. Persian mythology Duzakh
  39. Philippine mythology Kasanaan
  40. Polynesian mythology Avaiki, Bulotu, Iva, Lua-o-Milu, Nga- Atua, Pulotu, Rangi Tuarea,
  41. Te Toi-o-nga-Ranga, Uranga-o-Te-Ra
  42. Pueblo mythology Shipap
  43. Roman mythology Inferi, Avernus <-- Italy
  44. Romanian mythology Tărâmul Celălalt <-- Romania
  45. Slavic mythology Nav, Podsvetie, Peklo, Vyraj
  46. Sumerian mythology Kur, Hubur
  47. Torah/Bible Judaism and Sheol, Gehenna, Abaddon, Tehom (in Kabbalah), Tophet, Tzoah Rotachat, Dudael <-- Jews in Israel and all over the world
  48. Turko-Mongol myth Tamağ <-- a syncretic culture half Mongolic and half Turkic.
  49. in Uzbekistan. Indian Mughal empire is the Persian word for ‘Mongol’.
  50. Babur who established the Mughal empire in india was a
  51. descendant of Timur (father line) and Genghis Khan (mother line)
  52. Vodou Guinee
  53. Vietnamese mythology Âm phủ 陰府, Địa ngục 地獄
  54. Wagawaga mythology Hiyoyoa <--- New Guinea

All the above discusses briefly but leading all those follow their rituals leads them to the same location. Bible is the ONLY book that discusses how NOT to end of there after death.


To be continued
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