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Dutch police refuse to guard Jewish sites over 'moral dilemmas,' officers say



Marcel de Weerd and Michel Theeboom, from the Jewish Police Network, claimed "“There are colleagues who no longer want to protect Jewish targets or events."​

Officers in the Dutch police force have been refusing to protect Jewish targets, two officers told Nieuw Israëlisch Weekblad earlier this week.

Marcel de Weerd and Michel Theeboom, representing the Jewish Police Network, expressed concerns over changes they were seeing in the force.

“There are colleagues who no longer want to protect Jewish targets or events. They talk about ‘moral dilemmas,’ and I see a tendency emerging to give in to that. That would truly mark the beginning of the end. I’m concerned about that,” Theeboom said.

Adding to Theeboom’s claims, De Weerd said, “We see that leadership is struggling with this. Especially now, with the conflict in the Middle East, we risk drifting away from what we should stand for as a collective. We need to keep discussing this with each other.”