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Chitchat Dumbfuck Turk Boy Shoots Firecrackers At Himself Instead Of At Jews! Same as Hamas Shooting Missile At Their Own Hospital


How come his Allah didn't guide him?

syed putra

That fire crackers probably from China. As all things that are substandard. except their lovely babes. .

True Believer


Dumbfuck Turk Boy Shoots Firecrackers At Himself Instead Of At Jews! Same as Hamas Shooting Missile At Their Own Hospital

Someone should advise Hamas and their supporters to stop making their substandard rockets at home. They will end up shooting themselves in the eyes or kill their own people, then shift blame to Israel and the civilised world. LOL!

syed putra


Dumbfuck Turk Boy Shoots Firecrackers At Himself Instead Of At Jews! Same as Hamas Shooting Missile At Their Own Hospital

Someone should advise Hamas and their supporters to stop making their substandard rockets at home. They will end up shooting themselves in the eyes or kill their own people, then shift blame to Israel and the civilised world. LOL!
The Jews in Israel are not part of the civilised world.

syed putra

Neither are the terrorists from Hamas. LOL!
Netanyahu supported hamas during its infancy to sabotage the peace deal.
It's absolutely unbelievable that hamas, with it's gliders and tickets can breach the Israel border.
The local kibbutz in the area were told you surrender their weapons end on September.and despite local anxiety and intelligence about imminent attack, soldiers were told you go on leave.
Normally a attack helicopter will be activated and within minutes, should be able to prevent the incursion. But 7 hours passed before any response from central Command.
IDF caught asleep or this attack was planned by netanyahu himself. What is his finale?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Netanyahu supported hamas during its infancy to sabotage the peace deal.
It's absolutely unbelievable that hamas, with it's gliders and tickets can breach the Israel border.
The local kibbutz in the area were told you surrender their weapons end on September.and despite local anxiety and intelligence about imminent attack, soldiers were told you go on leave.
Normally a attack helicopter will be activated and within minutes, should be able to prevent the incursion. But 7 hours passed before any response from central Command.
IDF caught asleep or this attack was planned by netanyahu himself. What is his finale?

Netanyahu will likely go to prison for corruption or for the incredible fuckup of 7 Oct 2023. But all that will be after hamas and their supporters are exterminated.