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Duao Tiao liao...Nvidia CEO God say AI will Leeplace Coders sooner , faster and cheaper, kyn Cik Syed?



Nvidia CEO says don’t learn coding because AI, tech giant exec says jobs will be hit: Story in 5 points​


Artificial Intelligence is already taking centre stage in our lives, but if recent statements from two prominent tech leaders are to be believed, AI may be working on sidelining us.​

In Short​

  • Nvidia CEO suggests AI could make coding redundant, enabling non-programmers to develop complex programs.
  • Infosys executive predicts AI will lead to fewer jobs as companies become more efficient.
  • Former Oculus VR CTO echoes Nvidia CEO's views, emphasizing problem-solving as the core skill over traditional programming.


Artificial Intelligence or AI has increasingly become a central player in our lives, be it personal or professional.

In the past few months, we have also started to notice the impact of AI, especially on the job market, which hasn’t been particularly positive. Big tech companies like Google, Meta and Amazon have layed off thousands of people in just 2024.

This impact has recently been reiterated by two industry leaders — Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang and Satish H C, an executive vice-president at Infosys — underscoring the impact this technology will have on employment. Here is everything they said in 5 points.

-Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang has suggested that AI could soon make coding, a skill long considered a fundamental aspect of computer science, redundant. In his view, the rise of AI will allow people without traditional programming knowledge to easily develop complex programs.

This indicates a significant shift from the idea that coding is a specialised skill to the notion that it might become more of a universal ability. Which essentially suggests that AI could replace coders.

syed putra

I can still remember vaguely Fortran, basic v and can't remember the other programming language. Just basic.
So I wonder what kind of programming you can do using AI.

Aaron carter


Nvidia Stock Endures $277 Billion Midday Selloff As AI Giant Falls Behind Microsoft​

Nvidia stock suffered a rare tumble Thursday, relinquishing the artificial intelligence motor’s briefly held title as the most valuable public company on the planet and exhibiting broader stock indexes’ sensitivity to price movements from Nvidia.

Critically, the Thursday dip demonstrated the broader market’s sensitivity to Nvidia stock’s performance, as the S&P 500 turned its peak 0.3% morning gain to a 0.6% loss by around 1:45 p.m., with almost all of the fall explained by Nvidia. Essentially, Nvidia’s intraday slide erased the equivalent of Coca-Cola, the S&P’s 27th most valuable company with a roughly $270 billion market cap, from the index.

Key Background​

It is highly normal for a stock to decline after a sharp increase like Nvidia just had. Broad index funds have benefited far more from Nvidia’s inclusion than they’ve been hurt, with Nvidia’s $2 trillion market cap added in 2024 accounting for a third of the market cap-weighted S&P’s 15% year-to-date gain. Nvidia, which produces a majority of the semiconductor technology most coveted for generative AI applications, reported a sixfold increase in earnings in its most recent quarter as customers like Microsoft and Google shell out for the technology.

Big Number​

$345,000. That’s about how much $10,000 invested in Nvidia exactly five years ago would be worth today. The same amount invested in the S&P would be worth about $20,150.



Very disappointed with this Chink founder CEO. I thought only CECA types can talk this level of cock.


The Nvidia CEO is only a mortal, & flawed like everyone else.

He made a presumption, assumption that was NOT well thought out...May Nation leaders in Education do NOT follow his ignorance & so too parents whom presume AI would solve problems, thus will not spend their life savings for kids on coding courses...

At the heart of AI are merely algorithms, mathematical equations that were CREATED by Humans over centuries & improved upon by each era of Humans, now set in electronic sequences trawled from wide & diverse networks at light speed thru electrical energy to derive answers & solutions.

The moment Humankind is lured into thinking that AI would solve all problems, even with no direct answers but mathematical probability range of answers, from best to the worst or the best of worst solutions, is the day PROGRAMMERS of such AI would become kings.....to insruct, to direct, to manipulate, to motivate, etc, emotionally driven but supposedly FREE HUMANKIND to such Programmers or their paymasters will....

Thus EVERY Nation & biz entity STILL NEEDS Programmers
, whom have the BASICS in programming language & analytical assessment of EVEN AI created programs, computer lingo & algorithms, as there is NO single AI created that CAN EVER be touted as the best, proven by history & the adage that what one mortal can create, so too another can either destroy or elevate......

Coding is EVER MORE critical in this day & age of AI advancements, made by the few deep pockets biz entities that exists ONLY to make profits & not solve social issues or uplift lives of the many, as they are NOT Charity organizations, so that there may exists independent systemic checks & balances on relied upon AI programs for the safety of Humankind's survival, progress & evolution.

For some whom may not be prepared for the eventual juggernaut of progress & evolution that awaits no mortal like the tides, do take heart in that majority of Singaporeans & Humankind had been taught the 3 r"s - reading, writing & arithmetic, as well as our gifted 5 senses to discern REALITIES - see, taste,smell, hear, & touch for directions, progress & evolution that is far far more superior than any fantasy flawed mortal can create or direct

No one will be left behind unless one allows subjective & often flawed emotions or any mortal created AI to take control of ours & loved ones lives unconscionably as a civilized society can only be created by mutual consensus for the peaceful greater good for all..

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