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Serious DuaLiap Mediacorpse MILF Ann Poh is Available Now!



Ann Poh

She was once well-known for her ‘assets’, and was signed on by the now-defunct TV station MediaWorks.

In 2006, Ann Poh made news in Singapore when she separated from her husband of eight years, citing spousal abuse.

Today, Poh, the mummy of two teenage daughters, bears no grudges and believes in letting go of the past. “Any decision that involves our (girls), we will discuss it together,” she said

She now works as an administrative officer at a real estate company, a far cry from her glamorous days.


PHOTO: The New Paper
Apparently, she went through a really tough time after her divorce. She was by then retrenched from her company, and unable to find another job in Singapore.

For 18 months, she lived in Guangzhou, China, selling silver jewellery online to earn a living. Her ex-husband and her mother-in-law cared for her daughters during that time.

She told The New Paper: “(When I was in Guangzhou) I missed my children a lot and had to hold back tears so that they would not know that I was sad.

“My daughters, especially the younger one, would cry. But I had to be strong. I knew then I had to upgrade myself and be better for myself and my children.”

Later, she got a diploma in tourism from the Tourism Management Institute of Singapore while also doing a part-time administrative job. She also worked as a tour group leader before finding her current job.

Her children still live with her mother-in-law and she hopes that one day, they will be able to stay with her. “Making ends meet and supporting my children are top priorities right now.

"I have to be stronger, fight harder and be better for myself and my children.

“You must stay positive and love yourself. Everything will be okay when you put your heart into it.”


Alfrescian (Inf)
Husband of eight years, but teenage kids? :unsure:

Is Ng Yat Chung's SPH thinking of venturing into the online dating/matchmaking business? After all, its real estate and media businesses have gone tits up. :cool:

Scrooball (clone)

Apparently, she went through a really tough time after her divorce. She was by then retrenched from her company, and unable to find another job in Singapore.

For 18 months, she lived in Guangzhou, China, selling silver jewellery online to earn a living.

Honestly, it’s sad that she had to move to China to make a living. But she went there to sell silver jewellery online? Kinda doesn’t make sense. Thought the whole point of selling online is that you can be based anywhere?

Wouldn’t it be better to even work as a waitress or retail assistant? Then can still be in Singapore to see her daughter.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I think she did not sell Jewelry in Guangzhou. Most likely she sold her Chee bye there
It's already tough as a native Tiong to survive in China, much less a foreigner.
I bet she was somebody's mistress there, got caught and lan-lan has to cum back here to find work.


She also no choice lah,she got difficulty to make a living ,got to compete with so many Foreigners working in red dot.