Drug courier saved by unusual defence
Published on May 29, 2014 7:37 AM

Drug courier Mohammad Farid bin Mohd Yusop escaped the gallows after the High Court accepted his defence that he had intended to deal only in not more than 250g of Ice. -- PHOTO: CENTRAL NARCOTIC BUREAU
By Selina Lum
He was a drug courier who knew that a person convicted of trafficking in more than 250g of methamphetamine, commonly called Ice, may face death.
So Mohammad Farid Mohd Yusop had an arrangement with his boss - he was prepared to deliver only up to 250g of the drug.
This was the unusual defence of the 30-year-old Singaporean arrested with more than 380g of Ice in his car.
Yesterday, Farid escaped the gallows after the High Court accepted his defence that he had intended to deal only in not more than 250g of Ice.
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