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Driving Long Distance Experience, Anyone Care to Share ?


In FB, I note that there is a Jeremy See (Toyota Land Cruiser) , Abel Wang (BMW) , and that Malay-Indian Family with their Mercedes Van driving really long distances, to far-away places .

Are there Anyone here in such driving groups ?

How to set aside so much time, and expenses, to drive so many hours, and upon arriving at transit points, spend so little time to stay and appreciate more ?

Does Anyone know the backfround of Jeremy, Abel & the Mercedes-Indian Family ?

What happened to that Gurl who traveelled the World in her Vespa, where is she now, what is she doing ?

Salute them Endurance Travellers


Old Fart
Drove long distance from Tuas to Changi village and back to Tuas. Very stressful, too many idiot drivers on the roads not to mention those idiotic cyclists on the non-expressway segments.


Eh you also belong to the elite group
Moi Jiak this for dinner, can consider ELite mah?


Drove long distance from Tuas to Changi village and back to Tuas. Very stressful, too many idiot drivers on the roads not to mention those idiotic cyclists on the non-expressway segments.
Very tiring esp in hot afternoon or in heavy rain


Alfrescian (Inf)
It is more fun to sail to your destination. Preferably around the Cape of Good Hope.

Some countries have land border crossings that are super slow, corrupt or guailan, so adventure with care.