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Dr Stephanie Chok Shaming Singapore Style Democracy and Meritocracy System.


Alfrescian (Inf)



Alfrescian (Inf)
This sentence implies that Liew Family and a Family of crooks.

Parti Liyani was accused of theft by four members of the Liew family: Liew Mun Leong, Karl Liew (Liew Mun Leong's son), Heather Liew (Karl's wife) and May Liew (Liew Mun Leong's daughter). The victims accused Parti of the theft of approximately 144 items worth approximately $50,856.


Quite frankly, it is a waste of time and energy to shame that which is shameless. :biggrin:
Shame the shameless ? If Liew Mun Leong is so successful in PAP system, he will be more successful if he were to work as Najib Razak or Jho Lo aide


This sentence implies that Liew Family and a Family of crooks.

Parti Liyani was accused of theft by four members of the Liew family: Liew Mun Leong, Karl Liew (Liew Mun Leong's son), Heather Liew (Karl's wife) and May Liew (Liew Mun Leong's daughter). The victims accused Parti of the theft of approximately 144 items worth approximately $50,856.
All the family members making fake police reports with malicious intent but ultimately police only chose Karl Liew, the most useless person among all the family members? What is the purpose ? The purpose is simple: to minimise the damage of Liew Mun Leong dynasty