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Dr Mahathir Mohamad: Malay culture can’t compete with Chinese 6000 years old culture


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


“The Chinese have about 6000 years of culture, and they can survive anywhere. Wherever they go, they create China Towns, but the Malays cannot survive as their culture is not competitive,” Tun Mahathir says.




Alfrescian (Inf)
I challenge Mahathir to repeat it in Singapore- he will be arrested for stirring racial tension.......but then on second thought will they (not he} dare?

syed putra

What utter nonsense.
Indian civilisation is even older.
Some very old civilisation disappeared but Malays are still standing after sailing out of taiwan.
Malays are not competitive because they live in hot and humid weather and have acclimatised to " relac". Will never freeze to death inside or outside the house.