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Dr Lim Joins Parkway


In 6 Jan ST, it was reported that Dr Lim Suet Wun has joined Parkway Health Group as executive vice president of SG operations.

Can anyone confirm if he's the brother of LHY's wife Lim Suet Fern?

If so, that means that LHL's brother's brother-in-law will be working in the same management team as GCT's son. In Parkway website, he is listed as the senior vice president of international operations. Wonder if there will be any reporting line between them. :o

And since Parkway Health is now owned by Khazanah, the investment holding company of Malaysia, it can be said that their mutual big boss is Najib! :biggrin:



More Money for People Closely Connected to the government!!!

1) Relatives of senior government leaders

Family Members Relationship To DPM Lee Present GLC Post
Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong Deputy Chairman of GIC
Mdm Ho Ching
Wife Chairman of Chartered Semiconductor, ST Engineering, ST Capital, StarHub, Deputy Chairman of Singapore Technologies, and Director of Temasek Holdings and SembCorp Industries (Singapore Technologies unit)
Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew Father Chairman of GIC
Brigadier-General Lee Hsien Yang
Brother Chief Executive of SingTel Group and SESAMi Inc (SingTel unit), and Director of Singapore Technologies Industrial Corporation and National Computer Systems (SingTel unit)
Colonel (Dr) Kwa Soon Bee
Uncle (Mother’s Brother) Managing Director of Jurong Bird Park, Chairman of Wildlife Reserves Singapore and Director of Keppel Land
Mr Edmund Lee Cousin (Father’s Brother’s Son) Chief Executive of DBS Vickers (DBS and Singapore Technologies unit)
Mr Kwa Chong Seng
Cousin (Mother’s Brother’s Son) Deputy Chairman of Temasek Holdings (Ministry of Finance unit)
Mr Ho Sing Brother-In-Law (Wife’s Brother) Vice President of Singapore Precision Industries 2000 (Singapore Technologies unit) and Director of Advanced Materials Technologies (Singapore Technologies unit)
Mrs Lee Suet Fern
Sister-In-Law (Brother’s Wife) Director of SembCorp Logistics
Ms Lim Suet Boey Sister-In-Law’s Sister (Brother’s Wife’s Sister) Senior Vice President of SembCorp Utilities
More Family Members Relationship to
SM Goh Chok Tong Present Post
Goh Jin Hian

Twin brother of "quitter" sister Jin-Theng Craven , who lives in London. Son 1. Group General Manager for Parkway Group Healthcare
2. Chief Operating Officer of Mount Elizabeth Hospital
3. Executive Director of Parkway Shenton

In addition to the above list of DPM Lee’s relatives, there’s also Dr Lim Suet Wun, his sister-in-law’s brother, who is Chief Executive of Tan Tock Seng Hospital. The “restructured” hospital remains a government department. But as one of Singapore’s largest hospital, it competes with the private sector in providing health care services. DPM Lee and his father are not remunerated for their leadership of GIC. However, several of their relatives are senior managers of GLCs, who are receiving not only salaries and bonuses but also stocks and stock options in the companies. For example, DPM Lee’s wife Mdm Ho Ching owned 60,000 Chartered Semiconductor shares, 240,000 Chartered Semiconductor share options, 35,000 ST Assembly shares, 100,000 SembCorp Industries share options, and 50,000 Singapore Food Industries shares, among other interests in GLCs as of year-end 2000. And DPM Lee’s brother Brigadier-General Lee Hsien Yang owned 2,120,000 SingTel share options as of March 2001.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Pardon me for being OT but this helps me recall the main characters of a sitcom many years ago - Archie and Edith. And if it's anything to go by, this thread should be aptly called " All in the Family" :biggrin:


Pardon me for being OT but this helps me recall the main characters of a sitcom many years ago - Archie and Edith. And if it's anything to go by, this thread should be aptly called " All in the Family" :biggrin:
Dr Goh joined Parkway when it was a listed company in SG and Dr Lim just joined when the company is now delisted and owned by Khazanah.
It's quite certain that they were not involved in each other's recruitment and probably fair to say that they were recruited based on their capabilities.

The interesting things to note are whether there is a reporting line between them and that Najib can be considered their mutual big boss. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dr Goh joined Parkway when it was a listed company in SG and Dr Lim just joined when the company is now delisted and owned by Khazanah.
It's quite certain that they were not involved in each other's recruitment and probably fair to say that they were recruited based on their capabilities.

The interesting things to note are whether there is a reporting line between them and that Najib can be considered their mutual big boss. :biggrin:

Did'nt follow this interesting saga closely, only that the Singh bros walked away with heads held high, money in the bank and to look for opportunities elsewhere. Yes, interesting to know if reporting line is what it seems and if so, then membership would definitely have its privileges.


Hate to say this but it is typical SE Asian way of doing business - hire the PM's brother in law after making a controversial acquisition...

Anyway, now Maybank is going to own Dennis company, wonder what is going up north next????


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dr Goh joined Parkway when it was a listed company in SG and Dr Lim just joined when the company is now delisted and owned by Khazanah.
It's quite certain that they were not involved in each other's recruitment and probably fair to say that they were recruited based on their ca pabilities.

The interesting things to note are whether there is a reporting line between them and that Najib can be considered their mutual big boss. :biggrin:

It is the same that goes for the father & the son, isn't, all based on marriedtocracy....or connectedtocracy...all have mutual links...a rose by any other name is..........:rolleyes:


According to a report in the ST dated 26 Jan 2011, Dr Goh who heads strategic growth planning and is also senior VP of international operations, has tendered his resignation from Parkway and will leave at the end of March.

He told the ST that he was leaving because he needed to do something different and his plans are to set up his own business.

When asked about possible entry into politics, he said "I have no plans at the moment to enter politics."


Why do you think Old man has said that Singapore doesnt have enough 'talents' to fill two major political parties?

That's cos his present family tree has a finite size till the next little acorns grow.



More Money for People Closely Connected to the government!!!

1) Relatives of senior government leaders

Family Members Relationship To DPM Lee Present GLC Post
Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong Deputy Chairman of GIC
Mdm Ho Ching
Wife Chairman of Chartered Semiconductor, ST Engineering, ST Capital, StarHub, Deputy Chairman of Singapore Technologies, and Director of Temasek Holdings and SembCorp Industries (Singapore Technologies unit)
Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew Father Chairman of GIC
Brigadier-General Lee Hsien Yang
Brother Chief Executive of SingTel Group and SESAMi Inc (SingTel unit), and Director of Singapore Technologies Industrial Corporation and National Computer Systems (SingTel unit)
Colonel (Dr) Kwa Soon Bee
Uncle (Mother’s Brother) Managing Director of Jurong Bird Park, Chairman of Wildlife Reserves Singapore and Director of Keppel Land
Mr Edmund Lee Cousin (Father’s Brother’s Son) Chief Executive of DBS Vickers (DBS and Singapore Technologies unit)
Mr Kwa Chong Seng
Cousin (Mother’s Brother’s Son) Deputy Chairman of Temasek Holdings (Ministry of Finance unit)
Mr Ho Sing Brother-In-Law (Wife’s Brother) Vice President of Singapore Precision Industries 2000 (Singapore Technologies unit) and Director of Advanced Materials Technologies (Singapore Technologies unit)
Mrs Lee Suet Fern
Sister-In-Law (Brother’s Wife) Director of SembCorp Logistics
Ms Lim Suet Boey Sister-In-Law’s Sister (Brother’s Wife’s Sister) Senior Vice President of SembCorp Utilities
More Family Members Relationship to
SM Goh Chok Tong Present Post
Goh Jin Hian

Twin brother of "quitter" sister Jin-Theng Craven , who lives in London. Son 1. Group General Manager for Parkway Group Healthcare
2. Chief Operating Officer of Mount Elizabeth Hospital
3. Executive Director of Parkway Shenton

In addition to the above list of DPM Lee’s relatives, there’s also Dr Lim Suet Wun, his sister-in-law’s brother, who is Chief Executive of Tan Tock Seng Hospital. The “restructured” hospital remains a government department. But as one of Singapore’s largest hospital, it competes with the private sector in providing health care services. DPM Lee and his father are not remunerated for their leadership of GIC. However, several of their relatives are senior managers of GLCs, who are receiving not only salaries and bonuses but also stocks and stock options in the companies. For example, DPM Lee’s wife Mdm Ho Ching owned 60,000 Chartered Semiconductor shares, 240,000 Chartered Semiconductor share options, 35,000 ST Assembly shares, 100,000 SembCorp Industries share options, and 50,000 Singapore Food Industries shares, among other interests in GLCs as of year-end 2000. And DPM Lee’s brother Brigadier-General Lee Hsien Yang owned 2,120,000 SingTel share options as of March 2001.

Wow wow
wow wow wow

Connections count!

Or is it super genes?????????????????????????????

Or is it the good fortune of swimming in the right balls into the right cunt?

I find hard to believe they are so talented/

Ho Seng for example moved very fast leapfrogging many in ST becos his boss Loh Chuk Yam is beholden to Ho Ching ///// at least that what I heard.... anybody can confirm this???????????????:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:




"Ho Seng for example moved very fast leapfrogging many in ST becos his boss Loh Chuk Yam is beholden to Ho Ching ///// at least that what I heard.... anybody can confirm this???????????????"

No need to confirm this,it is the invisible hand!i


Article from ST online in Oct 2016
(According to his LinkedIn profile, he's still there) :wink:

A healthy approach to challenges


Five years ago, Dr Goh Jin Hian took a vault into the unknown.
In March 2011, when global economies were reeling from the aftermath of the euro zone crisis, the general practitioner left a 14-year career in the healthcare industry to start oil and gas trading firm International Energy Group (IEG).
This journey eventually culminated in his appointment last July as the chief executive officer of Singapore Exchange-listed investment holding company, New Silkroutes Group (NSG).

"At that time, Europe was still in the throes of a crisis, and when I said I wanted to do something different, headhunters told me I was crazy, and that only one-third of people who change jobs at a time like this would succeed. Even my own parents thought I was nuts," Dr Goh recalled with a laugh.
The 48-year-old is the son of former prime minister and current Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong. He held several executive senior positions in Parkway Holdings - now known as IHH Healthcare - between 1999 and 2011, including CEO of Gleneagles Hospital, president of Singapore operations, as well as senior vice-president of growth, innovation & strategy.
The Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery graduate from the National University of Singapore described his decision to exit a familiar environment as "a kind of midlife crisis".

"I was 43 in 2011. I had to decide whether to stay on - and if so, be a one-organisation person until the day I retire - or do something different," said Dr Goh, who also has a Master of Business Administration from the University of Hull, and completed the Wharton Advanced Management Programme in 2005.

The transition was tougher than expected. "Entering the oil and gas industry was not as easy as it looked," Dr Goh said. The opportunity for him to join NSG emerged three years later, in early 2014.
"My entry into the group was not something I actively sought - it came about when the company was still operating under the name of Digiland," he recalled. "Through a mutual friend, I met the chairman, Mr Cai Sui Xin. He was eager to take the company out of the SGX Watchlist and turn the business around. We believed it was a challenge we could tackle."
Established in 1994 as a wholesaler of computer peripherals and hardware, Digiland International was placed on the SGX Watchlist in December 2011 after reporting several consecutive years of losses.
By the time Dr Goh stepped in, Digiland had already obtained a permit to trade marine oil. That eventually paved the way for IEG to be incorporated into the restructured Digiland group.
The reorganised entity, which exited the SGX Watchlist in November 2014, was renamed New Silkroutes Group last July.
"We wanted a corporate identity that better reflected our ambitions - trade on the ancient Silk Road was a significant factor in the development of the civilisations of China, the Indian sub-continent, Persia, Europe and Arabia," he said.
"The name also captures the essence of the exchange of ideas, cultures, philosophies and technologies."

For better or worse
The road ahead, however, remained bumpy. Crude prices began tumbling in mid-2014, but management stuck to its guns. Several developments worked in their favour. As crude prices sank and trading companies shuttered, teams that were nearly impossible to hire became available for more modest and reasonable terms.
Again, lower crude prices were a boon. "With oil prices plunging by more than half, small credit lines that would not have been very meaningful six months ago suddenly became something we could work with," he said.
Oil prices plummeted from a peak of more than US$100 a barrel in July 2014 to end last year at around US$37 a barrel. The group focused only on profitable oil trades. "We structured our trades with friendly counterparties to ensure specific margins were locked in."
Through IEG, the group's fortunes began to recover. The wholly owned unit is on track to post revenues of more than US$225 million (S$313 million) for its financial year ending June 30, 2017 - marking the group's highest revenue in more than a decade. Under the Digiland brand, the company last chalked up revenues exceeding US$200 million 12 years ago, in FY2004.
In a move that boosts the group's outlook, IEG set up a joint venture with Malta's government last May to develop the European island into an energy trading hub for both continents. IEG also expects to eventually own and manage oil storage facilities in Asia and Europe.

Lofty ambitions
As the group's expansion strategies began to take shape, funding needs also escalated.
As a result, New Silkroutes Capital was born.
Set up this year, the Singapore- based subsidiary offers investment management and advisory services to institutions, enterprises and high net worth individuals. It has a joint venture in New York that will launch funds for the energy and resource, healthcare, technology and real estate asset classes, as well as develop structured products. The group's asset management joint venture is also applying for the Capital Markets Services licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore, which will allow it to offer private equity funds in the region.
Last month, New Silkroutes Group marked its entry into healthcare - a sector close to Dr Goh's heart - by acquiring a 51 per cent stake in Singapore-based Healthsciences International (HSI). A healthcare practice group with expertise in designing, developing and running hospitals, HSI also operates three clinics in Singapore.
The group will continue to seek acquisitions of suitable healthcare services companies - ranging from hospitals and pharmacies to imaging centres and laboratories - in the Asia-Pacific region, he said.
As for the restructured Digiland business, now the group's infocomm technology division, it will focus on big-data analytics, facilities management, and cloud-based services for e-government projects, Dr Goh said.
It will also help regional governments develop public housing schemes, advising them on policies, using the success of the Housing Board programmes as a model.
Management hopes to mould NSG into an investment holding company with businesses in investment management, energy and resources, technology as well as healthcare. This multi-pronged approach aims to turn the group into "a leadership stock" on the SGX, Dr Goh said.
As part of its transformation, the group carried out an exercise in August last year to consolidate every 500 ordinary shares into one single share to reduce sharp swings in its stock price and comply with SGX's minimum trading price rule. Completed in December, the exercise is the largest of its kind in Singapore's corporate history.

Proof is in the pudding
With NSG issuing more announcements over the past 12 months than in the past 12 years, and changing management five times over that period, shareholder confusion has prevailed.
But the proof has been in the pudding. The group's market capitalisation, which plummeted by more than 60 per cent to around S$50 million in FY2011, has since more than doubled to nearly S$120 million today. For the year-to-date, the stock is the best-performing constituent of the SGX Mineral Oil & Gas Index, with a total return of 109 per cent. "As an investment holding company, we are strategically diversified, and this diversity is not random - there's actually a method to the madness," he said.
NSG currently derives more than 90 per cent of its revenues from IEG because the average size of an oil trade is large, Dr Goh said. But the energy division does not command more than 60 per cent of group profits.
"While IEG will still account for a significant number, you will see increasing contributions from healthcare, asset management and the systems division."

Adapt or perish
"As with many growth companies, there's a need to deepen the management bench. We've been very lean over the last 20 months, without much capital to spare for hiring new talent. Now that we do, our growth should be more exponential going forward," Dr Goh said.
Looking back on the past 20 months, where change has been the only constant, Dr Goh highlighted the importance of being adaptable. "Change is inevitable, and everyone should embrace it. You need to be willing to take risks and step out of your comfort zone."
Lifelong learning is another principle close to his heart. "Once you realise learning never stops, and you need to move out of familiar surroundings to develop new skills, change should not be so frightening."
The father of three girls aged 12, 14 and 16 constantly reminds his children to develop a thirst for knowledge. It's also important to develop a clear moral code, he said. "Your word must be your bond, and you should always do things that are consistent with your ethics."