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The on going protests by Taiwanese students demanding for Assembly & Procession Law Amendments is wining big time. Ruling and Opposition Parities are both responding positively to the students' demands.
Law will be changed. President said sorry. Opposition also said sorry now.
DPP (opposition) Chair woman Chai Ying Wen apologized today that such laws were never amended during her party's (ChenShuiBian presidency) 8 years as government. She admitted that it was their (DPP) neglect.
Mean while, rotten lame bastard LKy's corrupted and incompetent famiLEE LEEgime, is still eating the same old shit. They are continuing to charge activists for ilEEgal assembly & procession. The cases are fully lined up from now till next year. I will be back in court to fight this week.
By comparison, it showed that the world have moved forward in positive progress that even Malaysian fight against the ISA is moving very far. The ruling and opposition parties are changing political stands, strategies and tactics. They will not rely on same old lame tricks, and await to be out-dated and perished like the famiLEE LEEgime.
Old fart LKy is still depending of 3 decade old defamation stunt and Assembly & Procession craps. Old dogs can never learn new tricks. So they eat the same shit all the time. This show how useless and weak and vulnerable and fragile they are. That tells people how easy it is to break them down.
Singapore is lagging behind the world, LEEgime is outdated.
Singaporeans must chop the dead wood ASAP in seek of survival.
執政8年未修集遊法 蔡英文道歉
<label></label> 更新日期:<q>2008/11/24 04:34</q> 林諭林/台北報導
親赴自由廣場 聲援野草莓學運
簽署人權保固書 允諾全力改善
蔡 英文說,民進黨又回歸在野,對學生訴求感同深受,甚至感受比社會大眾來得更深切,因為在一黨獨大的情況下,在野黨連言論自由和在立院的監督權都受到很大的 壓制。民進黨未來會全力投入改進國家人權、民主法制等問題,因為問題若沒改善,在野黨沒有替人民主張另一種聲音的空間,台灣民主也沒有發展的空間。
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The on going protests by Taiwanese students demanding for Assembly & Procession Law Amendments is wining big time. Ruling and Opposition Parities are both responding positively to the students' demands.
Law will be changed. President said sorry. Opposition also said sorry now.
DPP (opposition) Chair woman Chai Ying Wen apologized today that such laws were never amended during her party's (ChenShuiBian presidency) 8 years as government. She admitted that it was their (DPP) neglect.
Mean while, rotten lame bastard LKy's corrupted and incompetent famiLEE LEEgime, is still eating the same old shit. They are continuing to charge activists for ilEEgal assembly & procession. The cases are fully lined up from now till next year. I will be back in court to fight this week.
By comparison, it showed that the world have moved forward in positive progress that even Malaysian fight against the ISA is moving very far. The ruling and opposition parties are changing political stands, strategies and tactics. They will not rely on same old lame tricks, and await to be out-dated and perished like the famiLEE LEEgime.
Old fart LKy is still depending of 3 decade old defamation stunt and Assembly & Procession craps. Old dogs can never learn new tricks. So they eat the same shit all the time. This show how useless and weak and vulnerable and fragile they are. That tells people how easy it is to break them down.
Singapore is lagging behind the world, LEEgime is outdated.
Singaporeans must chop the dead wood ASAP in seek of survival.
執政8年未修集遊法 蔡英文道歉
<label></label> 更新日期:<q>2008/11/24 04:34</q> 林諭林/台北報導
親赴自由廣場 聲援野草莓學運
簽署人權保固書 允諾全力改善
蔡 英文說,民進黨又回歸在野,對學生訴求感同深受,甚至感受比社會大眾來得更深切,因為在一黨獨大的情況下,在野黨連言論自由和在立院的監督權都受到很大的 壓制。民進黨未來會全力投入改進國家人權、民主法制等問題,因為問題若沒改善,在野黨沒有替人民主張另一種聲音的空間,台灣民主也沒有發展的空間。
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