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Dotard's Ronald Reagan Carrier Group Surrounded by PLA 5 warship + 2 submarines @ SCS! Happy NDP CN-70! GPGT!

Tony Tan

中国海军5艘军舰拦截里根号航母 水下或还有两艘潜艇

中国海军5艘军舰拦截里根号航母 水下或还有两艘潜艇








Five Chinese warships intercept the Reagan carrier underwater or have two submarines
Five Chinese warships intercept the Reagan carrier underwater or have two submarines

The picture of the foreign satellite picture is very detailed.

According to foreign media reports, foreign satellite photos show that the US CVN-76 "Reagan" aircraft carrier is sailing in the southern part of China, and there are many suspected Chinese warships around it. From the satellite map of the article, the time should be on September 23, there should be five ships appearing within the range of 20 to 100 kilometers around the CVN-76 "Reagan" aircraft carrier, but three of them seem to be They sailed in the same direction, but the distance was mostly 50 kilometers away; there were two ships sailing in reverse, but the distance was within 60 kilometers. Of course, this is only the surface ship discovered by the satellite. Judging by the style of the Chinese naval exercise of this scale, there should be at least two submarines under the water that are also maneuvering, but it is difficult to find it.

The Reagan nuclear-powered aircraft carrier has just visited the port of Manila

Recently, in order to give extra points to economic conflicts, the United States has been provoking in the straits and the southern seas. Today, the United States has carried out provocative activities 16 times, which has brought considerable strategic pressure to China. Although the US aircraft carrier is not directly provocative, it is the behind-the-scenes command of these provocations, and it is China's most taboo combat platform. In this deployment, on August 6, CVN-76 "Reagan" aircraft carrier in the southern waters, in addition to a port visit to Manila, but also a team of Philippine military officials and reporters boarded the aircraft carrier, watched The F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighter landed and ejected through a catapult. The guards are the missile cruiser CG-62 "Chancersville" and CG-54 "Antitan".

Recently frequently provoked Chinese US missile guided cruisers

The CG-54 "Antitan" guided missile cruiser in this aircraft carrier formation crossed the strait twice on July 25 and September 20 this year, while another DDG-108 "Wayne E· The Meyer missile destroyer also provoked the sovereignty of the two islands in Nansha on August 28 and September 13, respectively. It is a sinful recidivist. For the US Navy's "singularity" and the evil deeds of showing off power to China, China has long been determined to respond to each other, but it is rarely known to outsiders. This time, when the CVN-76 "Reagan" aircraft carrier left the visiting port and tried to re-enter the southern seas, he was immediately shocked by the scene: how are Chinese warships everywhere?

The Chinese Navy has recently been more effective in dealing with US warships.

It can be seen from the picture that within the range of 100 kilometers of the CVN-76 "Reagan" aircraft carrier, two 052C/D guided missile destroyers and three 054A guided missile frigates have been found to be active. The nearest one seems to be less than 20 kilometers. They seem to cross the left and right and rear positions of the aircraft carrier. Obviously, it is no coincidence that such a number of Chinese warships are appearing near the US aircraft carrier. It is in line with the fact that after the US warships fouled, the Chinese military announced that the "air and sea forces will follow the rules and regulations of the US ship in accordance with the law. Identify and warn to drive away. But now, the emergence of Chinese warships around the CVN-76 "Reagan" aircraft carrier may be a preliminary warning.

There may also be scenes in which Chinese submarines suddenly appear in front of the aircraft carrier.

The analysis believes that the current behavior of the US aircraft carrier in the southern waters plays the role of regional security smashing the crowbar, and also undermines the peace and stability of the region, threatens China's sovereignty and security interests, and therefore must be firmly opposed by China. And respond positively. It is believed that China has deployed Dongfeng-21D and Dongfeng-26 anti-ship ballistic missiles in the south, and Dongfeng-21D and H-6N long-range bombers carrying CH-AS-X-13 anti-ship ballistic missiles in the east. Under the accusation of reconnaissance satellites, the above forces and naval vessels will cooperate vigorously to give the most severe counterattack to the enemies who dare to provoke during the national celebration! (Author's signature: Military Review Chen Guangwen)

Tony Tan


The so called surrounding or interception is essentially a protocol gesture today, because in actual war, PLA can sink any US Navy fleet from home base under 10 thousands kilometers length of deep underground NUKE PROOF greatwall of Rocket Army. Just using only finger to move, butt remained in the same seats. Dong Feng ICBMs will be fired out from secretly hidden silos and satellites will track their warheads onto moving US Navy warships. The range is GLOBAL. Max flight time 20+ mins, and warheads are now mostly HGV hypersonic un-interceptable, and can be nuke.

Therefore no need to send a fleet of warships and subs to play any civilized game at sea.

Hit the buttons with fingers and read the standard press-statement on TV, that's all and that's it!


syed putra

In the old days, battle ship ysmato or bismarck would have sent all these vessel back to port for safety.


In the old days, battle ship ysmato or bismarck would have sent all these vessel back to port for safety.

Today's warfare takes full advantage of advanced technologies and lethal weapons have literally unlimited range and adequate accuracy to destroy any significant surface warships, at a cost smaller or much smaller than the cost of these targets. These are achieved TOTALLY WITHOUT OWN RISK OF DEATH / LOSSES and there is NOTHING THESE TARGETS COULD EFFECTIVELY DEFEND NOR COUNTER ATTACK.

WW3 can Absolutely be done and game-over within half an hour, without too much soldiers nor vehicles movements. Missiles flies and signals past at speed of light, Extremely high energy Plasma / Laser / Microwave at also speed of light cannot be stopped nor forewarned and are much CLEANER than Nukes. Chinese & Russians are at way way better stronger upper hand over Chow Ang Moh. Putin openly flaunt and specify his SIX-INVINCIBLE NUKES to Dotard, Chinese still hides many things up their sleeves.

Tony Tan

PLA today announced their fleet of Aircraft Carrier Killer H-6N long range bombers, which can carry a GIANT DF-21 ICBM and kill US Navy Carriers Globally. The anti-ship dedicated missile has range of 3000km and bomber itself 5000km flight range. This is different from the ground based DF-31 DF-ZF & DF-41 types. Bomber cannot be easily tracked nor destroyed from a continental range away. They are safe from any threats in that sense once they spent few minutes to scramble off their airbase runways. USAF anti-aircraft missiles and radars are much poorer and shorter range than Chinese counterparts & are not expected to be able to come close enough to kill these H-6N, so their mission to eliminate US Navy carriers complement the other few models of Rocket Army's carrier killer missiles.

US Navy only got their very last 11 carriers left which are mostly old and ALL ARE PROBLEMATIC - especially their newest ones! Easily PLA got 10X more missiles (110 warheads) to put 11 US Navy Carriers out of business, at take as short as 30 mins including preparation time.

These H-6N are considered the SLOWEST Carrier Killer Solution because the bombers are subsonic jets, and if assigned to kill the furthest from China targets need to fly 8Hrs for 5000km than fire their 3000km range missiles. But they are important because they are unlike the ground based missiles which could not move away fast enough to dodge nuke. Silo-based Underground Great-Wall Rocket Army bases adopt the strategy of hiding within nuke proof deep underground fortifications to shield themselves from nuke, they can not flee much except within the thousands of miles of well hidden tunnels.

轰6N可挂载射程3千公里反舰弹道导弹 或已有4架服役

轰6N可挂载射程3千公里反舰弹道导弹 或已有4架服役








H-6N can mount an anti-ship ballistic missile with a range of 3,000 kilometers or has four service units
H-6N can mount an anti-ship ballistic missile with a range of 3,000 kilometers or has four service units

H-6N can mount multi-type anti-ship missiles

The Chinese Air Force has modified a small number of H-6 bombers to carry huge new anti-ship missiles. This seems to be a new weapon for the modification of the Dongfeng-21D anti-ship ballistic missile, which may pose a serious threat to the US Navy's warships in the Western Pacific, especially the aircraft carrier. In the rehearsal of the National Festive Ceremony, a new type of H-6N bomber appeared. One of the most striking differences between H-6N and H-6K is that it completely removes the bomb bay and adds a semi-recessed area with hard points for mounting large missiles. It should use the Dongfeng-21D air-launched anti-ship ballistic missile, known as the "carrier killer", which is the CH-AS-X-13 as the main weapon. It can surpass the original range of the missile to carry out hunting for the aircraft carrier at a longer distance. kill.

H-6N is mainly responsible for launching air-launched anti-aircraft missile missions.

Everyone knows that China's "aircraft carrier killer" has two kinds of anti-ship ballistic missiles, Dongfeng-21D and Dongfeng-26. The former can have strong killing ability against enemy large warships inside and outside the first island chain, especially the aircraft carrier. The latter, commonly known as "Guam Express", is mainly to destroy the US military combat forces outside the second island chain, especially on Guam, but also has a certain anti-aircraft capability, and can accurately kill the aircraft carrier at critical moments. If there is something in the Asia-Pacific, the US aircraft carrier's previous safety distance is 1,500 kilometers compared to the Dongfeng-21D, then it is 3,500 kilometers for the Dongfeng-26. Outside this range, it is generally believed that China has nothing to do with the US aircraft carrier.

MQ-25 doubles the operational radius of US carrier aircraft

Because the US aircraft carrier’s threat to China’s mainland is greatly reduced beyond the above distance, and there is no news of new anti-ship ballistic missiles after the Dongfeng-21D and Dongfeng-26, the United States believes that as long as the aircraft carrier is not too close This range, its aircraft carrier is safe. However, the US MQ-25 carrier-based unmanned refueling aircraft has recently completed its first flight. In the future, 12 US aircraft carriers will be equipped with this new aircraft. The biggest advantage of the MQ-25 is the aerial refueling of the US Navy carrier aircraft. It will nearly double the attack distance of the F-35C and F/A-18E/F carrier-based fighters, allowing the US aircraft carrier, the "King of Sea Battles", to carry out offensive operations in the security zone.

The combat radius of the H-6N is sufficient for the global pursuit of aircraft carriers

As the saying goes: there is a spear with a shield. Before the new long-range strategic bomber had not formed its combat capability, China still modified the main bomber H-6K to become the H-6N. The aircraft has two characteristics: First, the aerial refueling probe is installed, and it is carried out in the air. After refueling, the cruising radius was expanded to 6,500 km; the second was to cancel the belly bin, and after the aerodynamic optimization, an air-launched Dongfeng-21D-CH-AS-X-13 anti-ship ballistic missile could be mounted. It is said that the range is 3,000 kilometers (the air launch makes the range increase), and in theory, it has the ability to attack targets of 9000 kilometers, so that almost the entire Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean have no safe place for the US aircraft carrier.

The United States should not expect to use aircraft carriers in conflict with China.

The analysis believes that at present, at least four H-6Ns have entered the Air Force long-range bomber brigade service of the Central Theater of the People's Liberation Army. This time, they will be grandly launched at the National Feast Ceremony, which fully proves that the aircraft has formed combat power - because China has announced this time. The equipment being read is all active weapons. As a result, China has formed a three-layer heavy-duty aircraft carrier system that combines the far-H-6N+CH-AS-X-13 missile, the China-Dongfeng-26 missile, and the near-Dongfeng-21D missile. It is possible to let all the US aircraft carriers fight in the war - too no place to stand! Although the US military has actively developed the MQ-25, it shows that it is not dead, but the battle for the survival of the aircraft carrier has clearly been separated! (Author's signature: Military Review Chen Guangwen)