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Dotard Florida Golf Course got GUNSHOTS bang bang bang! 911! 911!



Shots Reported at Trump Golf Course in Florida

The Trump National Doral in Florida in 2016.CreditJoe Raedle/Getty Images
May 18, 2018

The police in Florida took a person into custody after they received a call from the Trump National Doral Golf Club that shots had been fired, officials said Friday. No one was wounded or killed, according to initial reports.

The club is owned by the Trump Organization, President Trump’s company. The police did not confirm whether the shooting took place on the club’s property, west of Miami, about Doral police officials said there was “no further threat.”

The Trump Organization purchased the golf resort, formerly known as the Doral Resort & Spa, in 2012. The club has four courses, including its crown jewel, the Blue Monster at Doral.

The club is about 70 miles south of President Trump’s weekend retreat, Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla.


this is what happened when someone carry a gun, bang... there goes 1 elite golfer, bang.. there goes another elite golfer... but who cares, member down by 2, free up slots for the rest and if some old fogger like buffet goes there and drag his game, just bang and everything settled.