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Donald Trump deserves a second term


The case for President Donald Trump is simple: He made the economy work for so many Americans, kept us out of new and costly wars and even brokered peace deals in the Middle East.

He believes our taxes should be lower, not higher -- and signed into law sweeping tax relief for businesses and the vast majority of federal income tax filers. He thinks government shouldn't overregulate, rolling back numerous Obama-era overreaches, while working with his Republican allies in Congress.

And despite his relative dovishness, he has invested in our military and in the men and women who wear the uniform. As a result, our enemies know we are more than capable of finishing them. Just ask the former leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or former Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

Beyond that, Trump stands up against the worst impulses of the American left and the radicals who seek to banish from the public square those who dare to think differently. Heck, even the Girl Scouts deleted a tweet congratulating Amy Coney Barrett on her elevation to the Supreme Court because of pressure from the liberal Twitter mob. Is that the kind of American we want, where unhinged progressives can shut down even a simple tweet of congrats to an accomplished female judge?

More at https://tinyurI.com/y2ee6nmn


Alfrescian (Inf)
The other side consists of traitors.



Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
If Trump wins what is going to happen for the minorities, the migrants, the refugees, the persecuted in society like LGBTQ, women’s rights, global warming, the environment, etc etc?


Trump win or lose he is heading to jail....

Within a year he is either impeach or his biz is sued by banks that he has to resign. A seating President cannot be in debt which is a national security to the country...

Anyway wish him well if he is reelected.

Meanwhile all we can do is watch this 三国演义 drama show, 坐山观虎斗, to see when a man loses his power he will be humiliated by dogs 虎若平阳被犬欺 .....


Alfrescian (Inf)
Biden is senile and Kamala is a whore. And their supporters are losers.

Choose the winning side. MAGA 2020. :cool:



Alfrescian (Inf)

Leongsam supports Biden. I know nothing about running a forum. And unlike you, I don't play the clone game. Same ol' laksaboy from Delphiforums.

Get ready to see your beloved 中共国 regime changed. 大国崛起?More like 屁股撅起, prepare to get sodomized by Uncle Sam. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Leongsam is a CCP running dog? Never mind, Donald Trump will win anyway. The course of history cannot be changed. Trump is the chosen one to deliver the fatal blow to Xi Jinping.


American shd hv a better person to handle China but not Trump.

If Trump is reelected this pandemic will be extended with no ends in sight.

Americans don't want Trump to attend any overseas trip like G8, G10 etc. He will embarrasses the American people with his ugly behaviour, but the world won't mind him globetrotting the globe to have him entertain us at the expense of US people...

Leongsam is a CCP running dog? Never mind, Donald Trump will win anyway. The course of history cannot be changed. Trump is the chosen one to deliver the fatal blow to Xi Jinping.