• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Dominic Ziegler: you belong here.


DomZ "compared Singapore to an illiberal state, and encouraged Singaporeans to embrace an alternative vision, instead of what was being offered by the state and an allegedly captive media."

The man is absolutely right and is entitled to his opinion. He just picked the wrong forum.

Even Goebbels would be impressed with our current setup.


There’s a fine line between the freedom of the press and outright interference in Singapore’s domestic politics. While Ziegler in his capacity as a foreign journalist can report on the political developments in Singapore, he has no right to actively interfere in Singapore’s politics by accusing the state of being illiberal. Domestic political actors and oppie dogs are more than welcome to say what they went but that right does extend to foreigners who might possess nefarious intentions. After all, these foreign “journalists” don’t even have a stake in Singapore’s future. What makes you oppies think that they actually give a flying fuck about this country?


There’s a fine line between the freedom of the press and outright interference in Singapore’s domestic politics. While Ziegler in his capacity as a foreign journalist can report on the political developments in Singapore, he has no right to actively interfere in Singapore’s politics by accusing the state of being illiberal. Domestic political actors and oppie dogs are more than welcome to say what they went but that right does extend to foreigners who might possess nefarious intentions. After all, these foreign “journalists” don’t even have a stake in Singapore’s future. What makes you oppies think that they actually give a flying fuck about this country?
They real journalists. Unlike u bodo. :unsure:


Alfrescian (Inf)
DomZ "compared Singapore to an illiberal state, and encouraged Singaporeans to embrace an alternative vision, instead of what was being offered by the state and an allegedly captive media."

The man is absolutely right and is entitled to his opinion. He just picked the wrong forum.

Even Goebbels would be impressed with our current setup.

It's not a simplistic left wing vs right wing thing... it all boils down to a bloated government and public sector. When there are too many jiakliaobees leeching off taxpayer money, they have to think of new ways to justify their existence, and that invariably involves screwing over the people even more.

Only a small, limited government is your guarantee of security, prosperity and liberty. And in case you haven't noticed already, the PAP regime is neither small nor limited.

The pro-PAP vermins (including the so-called 'academics') like to gaslight you by emphasizing on 'good governance'. However, their definition of 'good' is a big and overreaching government. Which means you are going to get screwed. :cool:




It's not a simplistic left wing vs right wing thing... it all boils down to a bloated government and public sector. When there are too many jiakliaobees leeching off taxpayer money, they have to think of new ways to justify their existence, and that invariably involves screwing over the people even more.

Only a small, limited government is your guarantee of security, prosperity and liberty. And in case you haven't noticed already, the PAP regime is neither small nor limited.

The pro-PAP vermins (including the so-called 'academics') like to gaslight you by emphasizing on 'good governance'. However, their definition of 'good' is a big and overreaching government. Which means you are going to get screwed. :cool:


Silly laksa. Cloud swap and the wef wants smaller govt so their deviants can screw u directly with out pap help. :rolleyes: