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Dog turns on stove, starts house fire



Dog sets house on fire by turning stove on, owner injured trying to save pets, Parma FD says​

By Rachel Vadaj and Kelly Kennedy
Published: Jul. 9, 2024 at 12:56 AM GMT+8


PARMA, Ohio (WOIO) - A Parma resident was burned after trying to save her pets from their burning home, the fire department confirmed.

Sadly, one of the four dogs lost their life in the fire, the resident shared.

The blaze happened on Gerald Avenue on July 7, according to PFD.

The owner of the Parma home said she was getting ready for church Sunday morning when she realized a massive fire had started on her kitchen stove.

“There was like eight firetrucks, maybe three or four ambulances, police cars, the street was blocked off and then I looked over to her house and my heart dropped and I know she had dogs,” said neighbor, Sarah Duarte.

Investigators believe a dog may have turned on a burner on the stove, and started the fire.

“We do know that allegedly the owner kept dog treats over the stove so it may have had something to do with a dog going up on the counter trying to get those off the stove,” said Robert Bures, Public Information Officer for Parma Fire.

Bures said it happens more often than you would think. He said a dog started a fire in Medina back in April.

“The really sad thing is people usually aren’t home for those right they know that the owners are gone and that’s usually when they get up there. They know they can misbehave, they know they can get up on the stove.”

A few months ago, a kitchen caught fire in Canton. The woman said one of her cats jumped onto the stove and started the blaze.

“She thinks a cat actually started the fire,” a Canton firefighter told 19 News in an earlier interview.

The owner did not want to go on camera, but she said four dogs were in her home, three were hers and one she was watching for a friend, sadly the dog she was watching died in the fire. She tried to rescue them all but ended up with second-degree burns on her feet and arms.

“We also really want to push as far as pet safety never go back into a burning structure. We did receive reports that the occupant had tried to go back into her house to rescue her dogs, especially in Parma right, we’ve got fire companies all over the city.”

Crews arrived to find heavy flames engulfing the home and “difficult conditions inside,” said PFD.

PFD shared that the Fire Prevention Bureau believes a dog turned on a stove burner on the first floor.

“We also really want to push as far as pet safety never go back into a burning structure,” Bures said. “We did receive reports that the occupant had tried to go back into her house to rescue her dogs especially in Parma right, we’ve got fire companies all over the city.”

Dog sets house on fire by turning stove on, owner injured trying to save pets, Parma FD says

PFD said the blaze was extinguished in under an hour.

Bures said there were no smoke detectors in the home. He recommends at least one per floor.

“We really think that was part of why the fire got as bad as it did as fast as it did,” Bures said. “With working smoke detectors people are gonna get alerted a lot sooner and they’re gonna be alert to get out of the house, gather their pets and get out.”

The National Fire Protection Association says animals start roughly 1,000 house fires yearly.

Firefighters recommend keeping your stove tops clear at all times and if you have pets or small kids put up a child gate or get special knobs to prevent your pet from turning on your stove.

Dog sets house on fire by turning stove on, owner injured trying to save pets, Parma FD says

Dog sets house on fire by turning stove on, owner injured trying to save pets, Parma FD says(Parma Fire Department)

Footage of the fire was taken by retired Lt. Downie.