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Doc and ex-GF spend thousands to fight in court over dog: Worth it?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 19 May 2010
Doc and ex-GF spend thousands to fight in court over dog: Worth it?


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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Can a person love a dog so much that he or she is willing to part with thousands of dollars, just to be with the animal? This is the question that is bugging STOMPer MakeLoveNotWar, after he read the court case of a doctor and his ex-girlfriend, who are in a legal battle over their pet terrier.

Dr Tan Kok Chye, 36, a surgeon, and Ms Connie Tan, 29, a business executive, first bought the dog, Sasha, in August 2008, when they were living in Alabama, in the US.

When they broke up shortly after that, Ms Tan brought the dog home to Singapore in November that year. However, Sasha disappeared from her Sembawang flat in March this year, and Ms Tan claims that she had learnt the dog was at Dr Tan's apartment, and that he may have taken the dog from her home.

The High Court granted Ms Tan's request for the dog to be handed over to her until the ownership dispute is resolved.

After reading about the case in STOMP's Courtroom section, STOMPer MakeLoveNotWar wrote in to STOMP, saying:

"How much would a terrier cost, $1,000 to $2,000?

"But according to the report, legal fees and costs in a High Court case can amount to at least $8,000.

"I know a dog is a man's best friend and all, but is it really worth it paying so much money to fight over a dog?

"There are many poor people starving, disease-stricken and dying all over the world. Wouldn't the money be put to better use by donating it to these people?

"Let's talk about the issue of animal love in general, and put the case aside.

"I feel that sometimes we misplace our compassion. We go on and on about how we should treat animals well, and we fight for animal rights and we spend so much money on our pets, but we do nothing about human beings dying around the world.

"We don't even need to go too far, there are many needy people in Singapore that we can donate to, instead of treating our pets like kings."


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Keywords: pet , court case