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do you prefer milo or horlicks?


I also drink green tea daily. Anti-oxidant properties. How? can it reduce cholesterol too?:o-o: :biggrin:

You should drink a glass of whiskey every night. I carry a small bottle of single malt in my backpack. Whenever I go for dinner or supper, I will take a shot or two. Warms the stomach.


Old Fart
You should drink a glass of whiskey every night. I carry a small bottle of single malt in my backpack. Whenever I go for dinner or supper, I will take a shot or two. Warms the stomach.
That's the way to go. A little alcohol to grease the system is a smart thing.:thumbsup: BTW I have not used my stainless steel hip flasks in quite a while. I keep one for each type of liquor - whiskey, brandy, vodka.

I do drink whiskey almost every night, but like I mentioned to boss sam, perhaps I need to cut down. It does not give me a good sleep.



Tiao He”/ 钓鱼 Diao Yu = Chinese Tea
