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Do you love your 姐姐 like this boy ?

syed putra

U just destroyed my faith in the Nips...but despite the closeness of the nip families....the percentage n numbers of the eat at home issues is way less than the m&ds. Guess discipline n culture plays a big part
Confucian society prefers to hide despicable family occurence rather than report to suthorities. In some cases, due to fillial piety, its allowed to fester, victims either obliging or suffer in silence until decades later when its revealed.


Chinese do this intuitively.
Confucian society prefers to hide despicable family occurence rather than report to suthorities. In some cases, due to fillial piety, its allowed to fester, victims either obliging or suffer in silence until decades later when its revealed.
View attachment 171856

If the majority Cina is involved...sham would have released the numbers at the drop off a hat n not b wishy washy



Alfrescian (Inf)
Confucian society prefers to hide despicable family occurence rather than report to suthorities. In some cases, due to fillial piety, its allowed to fester, victims either obliging or suffer in silence until decades later when its revealed.
View attachment 171856
Mudd incest is the best compared to other races because your god endorsed and practiced it himself. :laugh:

syed putra

Mudd incest is the best compared to other races because your god endorsed and practiced it himself. :laugh:
Sex can only be consumated after a marriage for malays. But that is not the case with chinese where sex and incest are tolerated if consensual.