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Do you have a scaredy cat wife?


Mine is super scared of the dark.

At night when she wants a cup of water also need me to follow her downstairs.

Then sibeh chao kuan she will walk very fast back to the room afterwards, leaving me trailing behind.

Got one time i purposely asked why she thinks a ghost will only appear behind us but not in front.

She freaked out and i kena hoot

syed putra

Mine is super scared of the dark.

At night when she wants a cup of water also need me to follow her downstairs.

Then sibeh chao kuan she will walk very fast back to the room afterwards, leaving me trailing behind.

Got one time i purposely asked why she thinks a ghost will only appear behind us but not in front.

She freaked out and i kena hoot
I met a woman who had to get drunk before she can fall asleep. Her reason? She can see ghost.


Mine is super scared of the dark.

At night when she wants a cup of water also need me to follow her downstairs.

Then sibeh chao kuan she will walk very fast back to the room afterwards, leaving me trailing behind.

Got one time i purposely asked why she thinks a ghost will only appear behind us but not in front.

She freaked out and i kena hoot
perhaps can send your imaginary wife to India. Task can be easily accomplished with your imagination.