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Do you find that McDonald's service and efficiency levels have declined to a fuckup state in Singapore?


Why so poor efficiency?

From the time you place your order to getting your food, it can be 20 to 30 mins in some outlets even when it isn't even peak hour.

What contribute to this rapid decline of service levels? Hiring too any elderlies?

What do you think?


Too many delivery orders until those dining in are given lowest priority?

Food is cold even when dining in. I wonder how long it has been sitting in the preparation area waiting to be organised for diners to pick up or table service.


The young workers who used to work in McDonald's and other fast food outlets rather work as delivery riders than these traditional outlet jobs? So these fast food outlets cannot find younger workers to man their outlets to reasonable service standards?


Alfrescian (Inf)
It all started happening when they introduced the DIY self-order machines. Before that there was hardly such a problem. :cool:

Touch the screen, make your order, go queue at the collection counter... and wait for the kitchen crew to finish cooking. :biggrin:

Oh dear, not enough fries? Never mind, take a number and bring your food to the table. The fries will be delivered to you later. :roflmao:


It all started happening when they introduced the DIY self-order machines. Before that there was hardly such a problem. :cool:

Touch the screen, make your order, go queue at the collection counter... and wait for the kitchen crew to finish cooking. :biggrin:

Oh dear, not enough fries? Never mind, take a number and bring your food to the table. The fries will be delivered to you later. :roflmao:
For the price that they charged, with such low service standards, it is unacceptable.

Scrooball (clone)

Everyone is so picky and atas these days, McDonald’s can’t hire enough ppl to handle the load. Every clown knows that cycling to deliver food can earn more than flipping a burger.


Don't matter how much you complain, you will still carry on patronizing them.
I seldom eat McDonald's or fast food. Maybe once in a long long while like a month or two. And if I do, it's always during non peak hours like 11am or after 3pm. Each time I have experienced tremendous slow service levels. I even try to understand why by going near the counter to observe. I notice that the food preparation is fast but there's a huge amount of prepared food waiting for the staff at the counter to organise them into trays and packs for take aways. Why such inefficiency? They should be putting more experienced staff at the counter to sort the mess of orders. The prepared food are literally sitting there waiting till cold to be organised for self pickup or served. Productivity is certainly very low level. They should call themselves slow food outlet rather than fast food outlet.


I only found out two months ago that they have started to use electronic kiosks to place orders. This goes to show how long I have not stepped into a Mac outlet. How long have they implemented this?


ever since this new owner took over, its been shit all the way
getting from bad to worse
hope they kena one big case and close down permanently


Alfrescian (Inf)
Go support those fast-food stalls at hawker centres instead of these greedy franchises lah. Honestly nowadays I can't taste the difference between franchise burgers and hawker burgers liao, must due be aging.
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