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do u drink CHICKEN essence?



my mother made me drink once when I was studying for exams and i hate the taste and never drink ever again...


Alfrescian (Inf)
I prefer the old vintage bottle.

Glass bottle, metal ring around the top of the bottle, metal cap.

I think Brands has a monopoly on chicken essence in Sinkieland now. Back in the day there was a variety of brands. I drank this a lot when I was a student. Their signature curvy glass bottles. I thought they tasted better than Brands, which was more 'bland'.



I prefer the old vintage bottle.

Glass bottle, metal ring around the top of the bottle, metal cap.

I think Brands has a monopoly on chicken essence in Sinkieland now. Back in the day there was a variety of brands. I drank this a lot when I was a student. Their signature curvy glass bottles. I thought they tasted better than Brands, which was more 'bland'.

not stink meh?