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DIY your own Lorlex Suckmariner.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The really wealthy ones wear humble watches. They have no need to show bling bling on their wrist, they are not insecure. :biggrin:


Scrooball (clone)


Warren Buffet Wears a Rolex President​

Warren Buffet, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is a legendary investor with an estimated net worth of over $85 billion. Although he could afford a massive watch collection, Warren Buffet is loyal to just one watch.


(Image: Warren Buffett, Rolex Day-Date “President” in Yellow Gold)

His timepiece of choice is a yellow gold Rolex Day-Date, better known as the Rolex President. It’s a fitting choice for the man affectionately known as the Oracle of Omaha since the Rolex President is the must-have watch among the wealthiest and most powerful. Fun fact: Warren Buffet once expressed interest in buying the Rolex company and he was quoted saying, “Luxury watchmakers such as Geneva-based Rolex are great companies. They know my phone number, but they haven’t called.”


Alfrescian (Inf)

Warren Buffet Wears a Rolex President​

Warren Buffet, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is a legendary investor with an estimated net worth of over $85 billion. Although he could afford a massive watch collection, Warren Buffet is loyal to just one watch.


(Image: Warren Buffett, Rolex Day-Date “President” in Yellow Gold)

His timepiece of choice is a yellow gold Rolex Day-Date, better known as the Rolex President. It’s a fitting choice for the man affectionately known as the Oracle of Omaha since the Rolex President is the must-have watch among the wealthiest and most powerful. Fun fact: Warren Buffet once expressed interest in buying the Rolex company and he was quoted saying, “Luxury watchmakers such as Geneva-based Rolex are great companies. They know my phone number, but they haven’t called.”
If your life is measured by someone you're not, then you truly are a pathetic and fucked-up lifeform unworthy of living. :roflmao:


Alfrescian (Inf)
It’s ok. Just stick to your Seiko mod la. And I’m sure u are one of those who thinks a smaller house is easier to clean. Haha
I'm sure you're also one of those with super-low self esteem that you need an overpriced watch to give you that false sense of elitist status. If Rolex did not exist, you will have probably hang yourself long time ago, rite? Haha.


Now my uncle need to ask which of this is more high ses
1. A man with lolec taking mrt
2. A man driving a Toyota with seiko
3. A man driving BMW with a phv label on it and wearing lolec
4. A man driving a BMW wearing a casio

My uncle would see 4 as highest :geek: