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Divorced Stories

Byebye Penis

Be it you are divorced or a child of divorced parents, It is a heavy topic, it is hard to completely severe ties and many would still want to keep in touch.

Byebye Penis

Story A: 40s, F
A's hubby got two china mistresses, one in singapore office, one in china office. How to give chance like that?
A is now remarried but continues to let her child visit the parents of her ex-hubby because they missed the grandkid.

A is really noble, if I am A, i will not let my child see the parents of my ex.

Byebye Penis

Story B: 30s, F
B is a child of divorced parents. Her Dad married a younger PRC twenty years ago. By now, her Mum is also dating someone. Good for them.

One day, the mum fell sick, and discovered that a serious medical condition. B felt that she needed to tell her Dad but fear that her Mum accused her of being nosy. After discussion with her husband, she decided to pass the message, it was stressfull. Will the father care?

The dad requested a family gathering, just B's siblings and parents. The spouses and grandkids will not join. They took a photo and B cried. For many years, family gatherings involved only either parents. It was twenty years ago, when they had a family photo with just B's parents and siblings. It was like patching up a missing piece in her memory lane.

Don't take photo-opportunities with family for granted.

Byebye Penis

Story C: 40s, M
By 40s, C only makes love with his wife a few times a year. His sex-drive dropped or perhaps, he just sticked to masturbating. His wife is always scolding him, quarreling with him, accusing that his sons pick up the bad habits from him. He is also no longer the motivated man in careers, life took a toll on him by now.

He suspects that his wife is sleeping with her colleague. Sometimes she will come back late due to OT, or tipsy, and quickly showered and sleep in living room. Perhaps, he didn't satisfy his wife's needs because he is turned off by her judgement rants on him.

They have decided to divorced but they have just got their second BTO; they agree to split after the Minimum Occupancy Period. M knows that there is Part Two of the procedure, how much of the proceeds will go his wife? or will wife contest for the whole flat? He really don't mind giving her the unit as they have kids, but he fears that another man will marry his wife and the children's inheritance affected.

Byebye Penis
