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Divorced Afghan child brides forced to return to former husbands under Taliban rule


The Taliban is attempting to force divorced child brides to return to their adult former husbands, despite the girls having been granted divorce by the Afghan government, the BBC reported on Sunday, citing the case of Bibi Nazdana.

Nazdana, who has now fled Afghanistan with her brother, spent two years pursuing a divorce which the Taliban claimed is invalid based on the terror group’s interpretation of Sharia law. Her case is reportedly one of tens of thousands.

At seven years old, Nazdana had been promised to a farmer in an attempt to reconcile feuding families. She petitioned the Afghan courts, who ruled in her favor, ending her marriage, the BBC said.

"The court congratulated me and said, 'You are now separated and free to marry whomever you want,'" Nazdana told the BBC.

