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diu is an extremely colourful and interesting word which can form many sentences


Why your video all driver kanna diu till merry go round. Any videos of passengers kana diu until Tiananmen Square.


The old fart should retort back in Cantonese: "Diu what? You have lan to diu is it? And if you want to diu my loh moh, please go down to hell to find her to diu! She and my father will be happy to diu you and have a threesome! Seh sor hai!"


your type of woman. this one is even more colourful that our resident queen of vulgarities.
You another hakka 畜生that insulted me prostitute first and keep insulting me a virgin as one and then turn around to point your dirty finger at me giving you vulgarities. Your Ccb criminal bully head should be chopped and not just get vulgarities. Pui!


You Cantonese scammer prostitute descendant don’t compare your Ccb Cantonese family women to me that never treat low level driver or cleaner or whatever badly. Pui!
However if these people turn around to whistle at me then it’s a different story. Pui! All Ccb criminal bullies should have their chopped off. Pui!