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Disney has begun the process of building the first ever roller coaster that jumps off the track and flies through the air.


It's hard to even wrap my head around the concept, but if anyone can make it happen, it's Disney. The word "theoretically" being thrown in there by their engineers adds an interesting layer of suspense, doesn't it?
When it comes to innovation in lesuire parks, Disney has always been at the forefront. They've set the bar high in the past, and it looks like they're gearing up to raise it even higher. This kind of avant-garde engineering could potentially revolutionize the way we think about amusement rides altogether.
I can't wait to hear more updates as the project progresses. Here's hoping that 'theoretical' soon turns into 'practical and running'!


Alfrescian (Inf)
many obese blm niggresses may slip off and plunge to their deaths. they are as slippery as greasy blubber in a harness.


Too dangerous. If that is what the pic portray as. Many things can happen in mid air like turbulence. Or even small particle haze passing that space area can cause problem.


Every passenger has different mass and must be taken into account everytime
It'll probably be guided by control surfaces while in the air.
And generous guide rails for the catch.

Or they insult every pax by weighing them and flashing the weight overhead for all to see.
The fat ones will be detered.