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Chitchat Did u know: every 6 months, daylight savings eat up 1hr of your life each time you switch over, for 1hr daylight saving country.


As such for each year u lose 2 hrs and in 10 years u lose 20hrs.

U live to 100 you lose 200hrs which is 8.33 days lost to daylight savings....

Or u live in 3hr daylight savings coubtry u lose 6 hrs of your time in 1 year.... in 10 years you lose 12.5 days of your life...
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Here is the maths:

1. Forward 1 hr to get more day light but lose 1 hr of yr life.

At midinght, 12, you adjust yr clock to 1 am. You imagine it is 1am now but yr body time is still at 12. Where is the 60mins of yr body time clock that was supposed to go through? So the 60 mins is the imagine time, correct?

U need 8 hrs of sleep, right!.
U sleep at the imagine time 1am, which means U sleep for 7 hrs only.

U lose your body time to the imagine time, lose 1 hr of body sleep time.

2. Wind back 1 hr, from 12am to 11 pm.

Yr body time is at 12 and u are told to wind back to 11pm which means your body time has to go through another 60mins again to restart at 11pm. In this case you lose 1hr of body time already.

U need 8hrs of sleep. You go to sleep at the imagine time 11am (which is yr body 12am time.

Again you lose 1 hr of yr body time to the imagine time.

Therefore, every 1/2 a year, your lose 1hr of yr body time to the imgine time and as such u lose 2 hrs in a year.

Go figure out how the maths works?

Body time and imagine time is 2 different object time...


Alfrescian (Inf)
doing away with daylight saving time switch soon. hopefully potus will sign it when it passes both houses. it is truly a pain in the arse (and making appoitments on the calendar) twice a year.


Can anyone shows how the maths work on losing 2 hrs per year playing with turning the clock time back and forward?


Imagine this:

Say without agjusting the clock time.

Your boss says you hv to come in 1hr early tomorrow to get 1 hr more daylight to do the work. As such you can either:

A. Sleep 1 hr early of your usual bedtime to make up 8 hrs of your sleep, or

B. Hv to watch yr TV show first which may cause you 1hr less sleep and wake up 1 hr early.

6 months later, yr boss says to come in 1 hr later instead of yr normal 7 am. That is come in at 8am to get more daylight to start working.

So u hv 1 hr to kill time to watch yr TV show and another 1hr to fuck your wife. All good and still get 8 hrs of yr sleep.

In this case, u can actually see u hv gain and los time, yr body time, to get daylight savings...

There is no lapse time to repeat and no imaginary 1hr time which you will lose 2hrs of yr life if u use 'the adjusting the clock forward and backward' to get more daylight ... just to get more daylight you lose 2hrs of yr life in a year

Can you follow this shit story telling????


Alfrescian (Inf)
you don't lose 2 hours. spring forward fall back. lose 1 hour in spring, gain 1 hour in fall. net is 0.


Alfrescian (Inf)
nah. the amount of time you spend on Earth still remains the same.

like what bro eatshitndie described above.

overall it is a zero sum game.


Yes, privuded if u dont move the digit. You move the work time forward in Spring and backward in Autumn. U adjust the work time to take advantage of the early bright dawn..... u dont lugi lose money/hour work for free in this case...

you don't lose 2 hours. spring forward fall back. lose 1 hour in spring, gain 1 hour in fall. net is 0.


The only impact of daylight saving changes is that you have one less hour to sleep before you get up to watch Champions League. :frown::biggrin:


Old Fart
Can anyone shows how the maths work on losing 2 hrs per year playing with turning the clock time back and forward?
Why bother with the math? I would rather count money than count hours.

It's actually very simple, using logic. Day is bright and night is dark. Day becoming night is dusk. Night becoming day is dawn.