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Diabetes is caused by too much fat and not sugar


Deleted member 178254

Many people still believe that sugar is the source of diabetes. And while sugar fuels the disease by contributing to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, it's actually high levels of fat in the blood (as well as genetic predisposition) that cause insulin resistance.


i think its quite true, i eat lots of sweets things all life and no diabetes, but sugar invites cancer methinks

Byebye Penis

sorry, sos beg to differ.

We produce less insulin as we get older, so even if you watch your diet strictly at 70 years old, you may still get Diabetes. Then genetically, some people retain more sugar in their body, causing them to be diabetic at a younger age. Then again, if you are diabetic before 45, there is a good chance that it runs in your family.

We should watch our sugar intake but 50% of the causes are beyond our control. Therefore, our bros here with higher blood sugar SHOULD NOT avoid medications; strict dietary controls will not help much in the long run and without medications, you will end up getting more issues from higher blood, eg serious vision problems, vascular, diabetic foot, etc.

By and large, such things come with age.

Common medications include metformin, Lingagliptin, insulin etc and seriously not much side-effects. (If you take metformin for a few decades, you may get bloaded tummy, and doctor will offer alternatives).


sorry, sos beg to differ.

We produce less insulin as we get older, so even if you watch your diet strictly at 70 years old, you may still get Diabetes. Then genetically, some people retain more sugar in their body, causing them to be diabetic at a younger age. Then again, if you are diabetic before 45, there is a good chance that it runs in your family.

We should watch our sugar intake but 50% of the causes are beyond our control. Therefore, our bros here with higher blood sugar SHOULD NOT avoid medications; strict dietary controls will not help much in the long run and without medications, you will end up getting more issues from higher blood, eg serious vision problems, vascular, diabetic foot, etc.

By and large, such things come with age.

Common medications include metformin, Lingagliptin, insulin etc and seriously not much side-effects. (If you take metformin for a few decades, you may get bloaded tummy, and doctor will offer alternatives).
i do not agree on drugs to deal with chronic disease. chronic disease should be dealt with a lifestyle change to a much healthier one. when you ingest/eat/drink crap into your body, you will get cancer and diabetes. educate yourself on what is a healthier lifestyle and adopt it. blaming on age is just a convenient way to push away the blame and disempowered yourself to deal with the problem. that is low frequency.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Diabetes is a liver problem. Taking insulin without addressing the liver problem solves nothing. But it is great for the pharma manufacturers of insulin. :biggrin:


just went blood test:
how to interpret this :
total cholesterol 6.6 (mmol/L)
HDL 1.2 (mmol/L)
LDL 4.4 (mmol/L)

glucose serum fasting 5.5 (mmol/L)
ref range 4.0-6.0