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Diabetes - A lucrative disease


Alfrescian (Inf)
Fasting will help with diabetes. But very few people have the will or discipline to do this. Nowadays they are even too lazy to go out and buy food themselves, they use an app and those food delivery peons bring the food to their doorstep. :rolleyes:

By fasting I don't mean Ramadan-style 12-hour binge eating, I'm saying at least 2-3 days without eating any food. This also helps to detox your body.


Diabetic should be taken lightly. Don't over load with sugar, salt and you be fine.
Gluten is also not the best idea. Blood sugar should always in control and in case it is getting out of hands , there are ozempic meds , which are taking care of that.
It is possible to find ozempic coupon online but unfortunately it is not always available. Just read that in some countries they are experiencing shortages of this drug and many people struggle with it. Really hope it is just temporary.
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