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Detransitioner says he was 'brainwashed' into having gender reassignment surgery by woke doctor
By James Gordon For Dailymail.com 06:30 BST 27 Aug 2022 , updated 07:19 BST 27 Aug 2022
Going by the name Shape Shifter, the 32-years-old who lives in Massachusetts grew up in a Muslim country in the Balkans where even being gay was frowned upon, but he believed that if he transitioned to female he would finally feel happy with himself.
He was given a referral letter by Fenway Health in Massachusetts, which he claims has been taken over by biased pro-trans activists.
The surgery itself was performed by Dr Sherman Leis of the The Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery. Leis is regarded as the United States' most experienced gender reassignment surgeon.
But soon after the operation was complete in 2015 in his mid-20s, Shape Shifter quickly realized he had made a terrible mistake, and that he was just a gay man who enjoyed presenting in a feminine way.
The procedures he has undergone - which include the removal of his penis and the creation of a 'neo-vagina' are irreversible.
They have left him with osteoporosis, scoliosis, a 'vagina' which his body believes is a wound, and which it tries to close up, as well as a host of mental health conditions including depression and a reduced sex-drive.
Shape Shifter believed that making the initial switch to a woman would make him finally feel happy in his own body.
But he ended up feeling even more depressed than before the surgery, ultimately realizing that he was simply a man who enjoyed expressing his femininity.
He still wears makeup, and has long hair, but says men like him need to be encouraged to feel comfortable in their femininity, without feeling pressured into medically transitioning.
Shape Shifter, 32, was born male, transitioned to female but then reverted back. The surgeries have left him without a penis and without a working vagina also
Speaking to Blaire White, 28, herself transgender, during a more than hour-long interview, he explained how after the initial surgery to become female he suddenly fell into a deep depression.
During the interview, which has been posted to YouTube and received almost 500,000 views, Shape explained how the new vagina that had been constructed for him using tissue from his penis fell far short of expectations and left him unable to have intercourse.
'I was happy maybe for a month or two but then got even more depressed after surgery. My neo-vagina started constricting. I thought I was going to spread my legs and get f****d and that never really happened after I gave away my penis.
'I was online telling people how depressed I was. A lot of people thought it was because of the surgery... but I had no energy, I was so lethargic, I had brain fog and no sex drive at all. I then found that all the tranny-chasers stopped following me and I was competing with other women for men.'
Shape believes a lot of people would reconsider having surgery in the first place if they knew of the possible complications and regret that can follow
White asked Shape what it was like to 'miss your penis'.
'I just wanted to have my surgery and then blend in and complete my transition. When I started taking testosterone I had no sex drive. I went from enjoying sex to avoiding it,' Shape explained.
'I miss just being an average dude and obsessing over sex, money and my career. It sucked being heteronormative and doing the whole emotional thing. Now I feel like a man trapped in a woman-lookalike body.
'I will never be able to get my penis back which is extremely traumatic for me. I want it back and I can't. Sex is traumatic for me now because I've had botched surgeries.'
Shape says he even dreams about having a penis, while before his first transition he would dream about having a vagina.
Host, White, asked how difficult it was for Shape to revert to being male.
Speaking to Blaire White, 28, right, herself transgender, Shape warns others who may be considering transitioning to think carefully of their options beforehand
Shape, pictured, says he even dreams about having a penis, while before his first transition he would dream about having a vagina
'These detransitioners regret the surgeries and then because they've got the surgeries they're seen as like an enemy by these activist doctors and then they can't even get help to revise the surgeries because trans surgeons hate detransitioners?' White suggested.
'Pretty much', Shape responded.
'What they don't tell you is because they've labelled them as difficult patients but even beyond that, the one thing they don't tell you is once your first surgery didn't go right and second one didn't go right, after a while nobody wants to touch other surgeons work because they don't want to attach their name to a complicated case. Every time you go in there is more scar tissue and more complications.'
Shape said that despite wanting to detransition he is happy to present as female and appear like a woman in terms of how he dresses.
'I just declared myself to be a woman but when i changed my paperwork or when it was all libbed out and drinking kool-aid and was brainwashed by the trans community. I simply enjoy presenting as feminine and having long hair.'
In a more than hour-long interview, Blaire White, herself trans, asked Shape Shifter what it was like to 'miss your penis' now that he is male once again
Shape says that he is trying to navigate his sexuality moving forward.
'Looking back I don't think my mind was able to comprehend what was happening. Even when I was a woman, I only knew what it was like to be a man on estrogen. And now I can't go back to being a traditional man.'
'I will never know what it's like to be a woman, at least biologically,' added host, White, agreeing with him.
Shape explained how there is no long-term research as to what taking all of the artificial hormones will do to his body in the long term.
'I'll have to have some kind of hormone in my body so it's going to be estrogen only because if I don't take any hormones, I already have osteoporosis and it will continue to get worse. I went almost seven years without any hormones. The hormones I am taking are similar to what women get during menopause.'
Shape explained how having undergone the surgeries, neither having a working penis nor a vagina that functions and now required to take hormones for the rest of his life, feels like a medical experiment gone horribly wrong.
Shape explained how neither having a working penis nor a vagina that functions and required to take hormones for the rest of his life, feels like a medical experiment gone horribly wrong
'It's transphobic to say it but after I've been through the system, I 100 percent feel like I was part of some cruel medical and social experiment - except nobody checked in on me,' Shape explained.
'If I'd killed myself I would not have even been included in any statistics. I'm sure they would just write me off as the cause being some other issue. Moreover, I've spent thousands of dollars. I've traveled across the country and did all the consults trying to get help.'
Shape believes that a lot of people might reconsider having surgery in the first place if they knew of the possible complications and regret that can follow in the moments following transitions. However, he believes it would be 'bad for business' if surgeons alluded to such realities.
After his first surgery to become female, Shape Shifter quickly realized he had made a terrible mistake, and that he was just a gay man who enjoyed presenting in a feminine way
Shape has blamed Fenway Health, an LGBT health care and advocacy organization based in Boston, Massachusetts for the position he finds himself in currently.
'One of the biggest mistake is because I went to Fenway Health. A lot of their staff is LGBT and one of my therapists was trans as far as I know. Initially I thought it was good because she would understand me but now looking back she was biased. You know it's kind of an activist hospital in a way.
'I feel like my life would have been better and more productive if over the last 10 years I spent expanding definition of what it is to be a man instead of trying to just blend in like society wants and trying to be a heteronormative woman.
'I don't really know what the future holds. But we need to go back to the science lab to work out what true trans is. Do you want to be on hormones or have surgery?'
'I f****d up my life, I could have been so much more.'
Shape feels his time might have been put to better use by defining what it is to be a man instead of trying blend into society as a woman
The whole issue of gender reassignment surgery has been the subject of heated debate recently after Boston Hospital was forced to defend itself over its Gender Multispecialty Service Program, or GeMS, which it claims provides gender-affirming care to 'eligible adolescents and young adults'.
The hospital prides itself on being 'home to the first pediatric and adolescent transgender health program in the US' and has been accused, it says falsely, of performing hysterectomies to underage children as part of that care.
Much of the controversy stems from an allegation on right wing social media sensation LibsofTikTok - who was doxed as Brooklyn real estate agent Chaya Raichik - that the hospital offered such treatment, in a still public tweet.
The claims are based off of videos from the hospital's YouTube account that discusses medical care provided to transgender patients. The video has since been removed.
The story gained traction among activists critical of gender affirming care for underage kids, even going as far as former advisor to President Trump Stephen Miller, who called it 'monstrous'.
Podcaster David J. Harris called one of the videos 'pure evil' and made the claim of underage hysterectomies.
Activists Christopher Rufo and Matt Walsh also slammed the hospital, with Walsh saying: 'Every sane and decent human being in the country must unite against it'.
Posters on right wing message boards have even allegedly called for the doctors to be 'executed' and to call the hospital on the phone, according to Vice.
Boston Children's Hospital prides itself on being 'home to the first pediatric and adolescent transgender health program in the US' says it's faced threats and false claims
Boston Children's told DailyMail.com in a statement: 'The commentary and the online attention that followed was based on the incorrect statement that Boston Children's performs genital surgeries on minors in connection with transgender care'.
'For hysterectomies and other genital surgeries performed as part of gender-affirming care, Boston Children's requires a patient to be capable of consenting for themselves. Age 18 is used to reflect the standard age of majority for medical decision-making. Boston Children's does not perform genital surgeries as part of gender-affirming care on a patient under the age of 18.'
Multiple fact-checkers, including PolitiFact and Lead Stories, both debunked the idea that they perform hysterectomies on children.
The hospital's statement continues: 'We are deeply concerned by these attacks on our clinicians and staff fueled by misinformation and a lack of understanding and respect for our transgender community.'
Libs of TikTok then went on to claim that the hospital's denial was a lie and said that they had materials allowing girls to get surgeries as young as 17 in a Substack post.
The account wrote: 'Although I never mentioned a specific age, Boston Children's does in fact provide 'gender-affirming' surgeries for minors. After the videos went viral, they quietly updated their website. They changed the age of requirement for a vaginoplasty from 17 to 18 and added 'we only perform gender-affirming hysterectomies on patients who are age 18 or older.'
A molecular geneticist participating in a UC Berkeley debate argued that trans women are not women and should not be legally treated as such, citing women's safety fears of trans women in changing rooms and prisons
Issues over trans women also became a topic of discussion earlier this month when a female molecular geneticist participating in a UC Berkeley debate argued that trans women were not women and should not be legally treated as such, citing examples of women's safety fears of trans women in changing rooms and prisons.
The geneticist argued that legally treating trans women as women, and allowing them into changing rooms and prisons, means women have put a man's comfort ahead of their own safety - claiming that the behavior of men is inherently different than that of women.
'Women have internalized misogyny to the point where the man's comfort takes precedence over the woman's safety,' she said. 'This is the most insane thing that has happened in my life, that women are a feeling now.'
'There's a reason why they (trans women) don't want to be in men's prisons,' she said. 'Men beat each other to death. Women don't do that.'
The debate, moderated by Peter Boghossian, author and professor of philosophy, was held in April at UC Berkeley that posed the phrase: 'Trans women should be treated as women.'
The geneticist strongly disagreed with the claim, first arguing that trans women are not women, because 'being male or female is developmental, and you cannot go backwards.'
Another participant, a woman, an aspiring molecular geneticist, agreed with the claim, and the third participant, a man, initially stood on the 'disagree' line but moved over to 'strongly disagree' by the end of the discussion.
When asked by the moderator why she strongly disagreed in the claim, the geneticist responded without hesitation: 'Because I'm a molecular geneticist.'
She continued: 'Being male or being female is a developmental process. You can't go backwards. You cant change your sex, like you cannot do that.'
The geneticist appeared to get emotional while talking about the subject, telling the moderator: 'I'm sorry this bothers me so much. My heart is pounding.'
She then gave her stance on trans women in changing rooms and prisons.
'I go to the women's changing room at my gym and there's a dude there and he's putting on makeup and hoop earrings and this is not something a woman does when she goes to work out,' she explained.
The moderator said he's not familiar with women's changing rooms and asks, is this behavior not common?
She responds: 'No, nor do women beat each other to death. But men do.'
The geneticist claimed that in prisons in California and across the country, women are getting raped and impregned by other 'women.'
'There's a reason why they (trans women) don't want to be in men's prisons,' she said. 'Men beat each other to death. Women don't do that.'
In an August 18 post on her 'Justice 4 Demi' blog, transgender inmate Demi Minor revealed she ended up in the emergency room after trying to remove her testicle with a razor
The 27-year-old has claimed she has been abused at her new prison, the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility (GSYCF), where staff are refusing to acknowledge her gender identity
Minor was born Demetrius Minor, a boy, and was just 16 when she broke into the home of her stepfather Theotis Butts's home in Gloucester Township, New Jersey
Meanwhile, a transgender prisoner who impregnated two of her fellow inmates at a women's prison in New Jersey has revealed she tried to remove one of her testicles with a razor after being misgendered at her new men's facility.
Demi Minor, 27, was moved from Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women in Union Township to the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility (GSYCF) with male inmates in June after guards learned of the pregnancies.
Minor, who is serving a 30-year sentence for stabbing her former foster father to death, has since complained that she has been mistreated and abused at her new prison, where staff are refusing to acknowledge her gender identity.
In an August 18 post on her Justice 4 Demi blog, she revealed she ended up in the emergency room after using a razor to cut out one of her testicles in an apparent suicide attempt.
'When I began to bleed, I did not even think about dying. I just thought about finally having relief from the pain that I felt,' Minor wrote.
'Being here in a male prison, amplifies the harm that I once felt... I hate it all.'
Minor, who was first jailed at the age of 16, started to transition into a woman in 2020 and was transferred out of the male prison system to Mahan.
The 800-inmate Mahan facility began housing transgender women – including those that have yet to undergo gender reassignment surgery – last year after a lawsuit brought by an inmate and the ACLU. It now has 27 trans prisoners.
Minor was first jailed at the age of 16, but started to transition into a woman in 2020 and was transferred out of the male prison system to Mahan
Minor explained she began feeling 'hopeless' and 'ignored' at GSYCF on July 28 after she was asked to prove she was transgender despite having provided staff with medical records stating she had been 'on hormones for years.'
She claims she was later told by the committee chair that there were some things that 'we can biologically not change', suggesting that 'regardless of my transition without surgery I am a man.'
'I ignored her comments. But the truth is everything she said hurt, and was hard not to cry in the meeting it was hard to know that the same people who I once admired were now responsible for placing me in harms (sic) way,' she wrote.
'I started cutting again, and with a razor I begin (sic) making a incision to remove my testicle. In my head, I just wanted the pain to stop. I just wanted out of this. They don't know what the hell that I am going through.
'Instead, if you have a penis, you deserve to be in a male prison. That is all central offices cares about,' she added.
Minor added that she has been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, meaning she is 'five times more likely' to die by suicide, but admitted she sometimes 'would rather not be here.
'I have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, and it makes me 5 times more likely to die by suicide. I hide these thoughts. I have often not told anyone how I truly feel, and how sometimes, I would rather not be here'.
Since her transfer, Minor claimed men write her letters asking for sexual favors and that she finds herself in some 'dark places'.
By James Gordon For Dailymail.com 06:30 BST 27 Aug 2022 , updated 07:19 BST 27 Aug 2022
- The detransitioner, known as Shape Shifter, 32, was born male, transitioned to female but then reverted back
- The surgeries have left him without a penis, while his 'neo-vagina' has brought a host of medical problems
- Shape Shifter continues to have long hair and wear makeup, because he says he enjoys sporting a feminine appearance
- Speaking to Blaire White, 28, herself transgender, Shape warns others who may be considering transitioning to think carefully of their options beforehand
- He believes that those who are now detransitioning are being shunned by the medical community and often dismissed as 'difficult patients'
- Shape believes a lot of people would reconsider having surgery in the first place if they knew of the possible complications and regret that can follow
- But he believes it would be 'bad for business' if surgeons alluded to such realities
Going by the name Shape Shifter, the 32-years-old who lives in Massachusetts grew up in a Muslim country in the Balkans where even being gay was frowned upon, but he believed that if he transitioned to female he would finally feel happy with himself.
He was given a referral letter by Fenway Health in Massachusetts, which he claims has been taken over by biased pro-trans activists.
The surgery itself was performed by Dr Sherman Leis of the The Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery. Leis is regarded as the United States' most experienced gender reassignment surgeon.
But soon after the operation was complete in 2015 in his mid-20s, Shape Shifter quickly realized he had made a terrible mistake, and that he was just a gay man who enjoyed presenting in a feminine way.
The procedures he has undergone - which include the removal of his penis and the creation of a 'neo-vagina' are irreversible.
They have left him with osteoporosis, scoliosis, a 'vagina' which his body believes is a wound, and which it tries to close up, as well as a host of mental health conditions including depression and a reduced sex-drive.
Shape Shifter believed that making the initial switch to a woman would make him finally feel happy in his own body.
But he ended up feeling even more depressed than before the surgery, ultimately realizing that he was simply a man who enjoyed expressing his femininity.
He still wears makeup, and has long hair, but says men like him need to be encouraged to feel comfortable in their femininity, without feeling pressured into medically transitioning.

Speaking to Blaire White, 28, herself transgender, during a more than hour-long interview, he explained how after the initial surgery to become female he suddenly fell into a deep depression.
During the interview, which has been posted to YouTube and received almost 500,000 views, Shape explained how the new vagina that had been constructed for him using tissue from his penis fell far short of expectations and left him unable to have intercourse.
'I was happy maybe for a month or two but then got even more depressed after surgery. My neo-vagina started constricting. I thought I was going to spread my legs and get f****d and that never really happened after I gave away my penis.
'I was online telling people how depressed I was. A lot of people thought it was because of the surgery... but I had no energy, I was so lethargic, I had brain fog and no sex drive at all. I then found that all the tranny-chasers stopped following me and I was competing with other women for men.'

White asked Shape what it was like to 'miss your penis'.
'I just wanted to have my surgery and then blend in and complete my transition. When I started taking testosterone I had no sex drive. I went from enjoying sex to avoiding it,' Shape explained.
'I miss just being an average dude and obsessing over sex, money and my career. It sucked being heteronormative and doing the whole emotional thing. Now I feel like a man trapped in a woman-lookalike body.
'I will never be able to get my penis back which is extremely traumatic for me. I want it back and I can't. Sex is traumatic for me now because I've had botched surgeries.'
Shape says he even dreams about having a penis, while before his first transition he would dream about having a vagina.
Host, White, asked how difficult it was for Shape to revert to being male.

'These detransitioners regret the surgeries and then because they've got the surgeries they're seen as like an enemy by these activist doctors and then they can't even get help to revise the surgeries because trans surgeons hate detransitioners?' White suggested.
'Pretty much', Shape responded.
'What they don't tell you is because they've labelled them as difficult patients but even beyond that, the one thing they don't tell you is once your first surgery didn't go right and second one didn't go right, after a while nobody wants to touch other surgeons work because they don't want to attach their name to a complicated case. Every time you go in there is more scar tissue and more complications.'
Shape said that despite wanting to detransition he is happy to present as female and appear like a woman in terms of how he dresses.
'I just declared myself to be a woman but when i changed my paperwork or when it was all libbed out and drinking kool-aid and was brainwashed by the trans community. I simply enjoy presenting as feminine and having long hair.'

Shape says that he is trying to navigate his sexuality moving forward.
'Looking back I don't think my mind was able to comprehend what was happening. Even when I was a woman, I only knew what it was like to be a man on estrogen. And now I can't go back to being a traditional man.'
'I will never know what it's like to be a woman, at least biologically,' added host, White, agreeing with him.
Shape explained how there is no long-term research as to what taking all of the artificial hormones will do to his body in the long term.
'I'll have to have some kind of hormone in my body so it's going to be estrogen only because if I don't take any hormones, I already have osteoporosis and it will continue to get worse. I went almost seven years without any hormones. The hormones I am taking are similar to what women get during menopause.'
Shape explained how having undergone the surgeries, neither having a working penis nor a vagina that functions and now required to take hormones for the rest of his life, feels like a medical experiment gone horribly wrong.

'It's transphobic to say it but after I've been through the system, I 100 percent feel like I was part of some cruel medical and social experiment - except nobody checked in on me,' Shape explained.
'If I'd killed myself I would not have even been included in any statistics. I'm sure they would just write me off as the cause being some other issue. Moreover, I've spent thousands of dollars. I've traveled across the country and did all the consults trying to get help.'
Shape believes that a lot of people might reconsider having surgery in the first place if they knew of the possible complications and regret that can follow in the moments following transitions. However, he believes it would be 'bad for business' if surgeons alluded to such realities.

Shape has blamed Fenway Health, an LGBT health care and advocacy organization based in Boston, Massachusetts for the position he finds himself in currently.
'One of the biggest mistake is because I went to Fenway Health. A lot of their staff is LGBT and one of my therapists was trans as far as I know. Initially I thought it was good because she would understand me but now looking back she was biased. You know it's kind of an activist hospital in a way.
'I feel like my life would have been better and more productive if over the last 10 years I spent expanding definition of what it is to be a man instead of trying to just blend in like society wants and trying to be a heteronormative woman.
'I don't really know what the future holds. But we need to go back to the science lab to work out what true trans is. Do you want to be on hormones or have surgery?'
'I f****d up my life, I could have been so much more.'

The whole issue of gender reassignment surgery has been the subject of heated debate recently after Boston Hospital was forced to defend itself over its Gender Multispecialty Service Program, or GeMS, which it claims provides gender-affirming care to 'eligible adolescents and young adults'.
The hospital prides itself on being 'home to the first pediatric and adolescent transgender health program in the US' and has been accused, it says falsely, of performing hysterectomies to underage children as part of that care.
Much of the controversy stems from an allegation on right wing social media sensation LibsofTikTok - who was doxed as Brooklyn real estate agent Chaya Raichik - that the hospital offered such treatment, in a still public tweet.

The story gained traction among activists critical of gender affirming care for underage kids, even going as far as former advisor to President Trump Stephen Miller, who called it 'monstrous'.
Podcaster David J. Harris called one of the videos 'pure evil' and made the claim of underage hysterectomies.
Activists Christopher Rufo and Matt Walsh also slammed the hospital, with Walsh saying: 'Every sane and decent human being in the country must unite against it'.
Posters on right wing message boards have even allegedly called for the doctors to be 'executed' and to call the hospital on the phone, according to Vice.

Boston Children's told DailyMail.com in a statement: 'The commentary and the online attention that followed was based on the incorrect statement that Boston Children's performs genital surgeries on minors in connection with transgender care'.
'For hysterectomies and other genital surgeries performed as part of gender-affirming care, Boston Children's requires a patient to be capable of consenting for themselves. Age 18 is used to reflect the standard age of majority for medical decision-making. Boston Children's does not perform genital surgeries as part of gender-affirming care on a patient under the age of 18.'
Multiple fact-checkers, including PolitiFact and Lead Stories, both debunked the idea that they perform hysterectomies on children.

Libs of TikTok then went on to claim that the hospital's denial was a lie and said that they had materials allowing girls to get surgeries as young as 17 in a Substack post.
The account wrote: 'Although I never mentioned a specific age, Boston Children's does in fact provide 'gender-affirming' surgeries for minors. After the videos went viral, they quietly updated their website. They changed the age of requirement for a vaginoplasty from 17 to 18 and added 'we only perform gender-affirming hysterectomies on patients who are age 18 or older.'

Issues over trans women also became a topic of discussion earlier this month when a female molecular geneticist participating in a UC Berkeley debate argued that trans women were not women and should not be legally treated as such, citing examples of women's safety fears of trans women in changing rooms and prisons.
The geneticist argued that legally treating trans women as women, and allowing them into changing rooms and prisons, means women have put a man's comfort ahead of their own safety - claiming that the behavior of men is inherently different than that of women.
'Women have internalized misogyny to the point where the man's comfort takes precedence over the woman's safety,' she said. 'This is the most insane thing that has happened in my life, that women are a feeling now.'
'There's a reason why they (trans women) don't want to be in men's prisons,' she said. 'Men beat each other to death. Women don't do that.'
The debate, moderated by Peter Boghossian, author and professor of philosophy, was held in April at UC Berkeley that posed the phrase: 'Trans women should be treated as women.'
The geneticist strongly disagreed with the claim, first arguing that trans women are not women, because 'being male or female is developmental, and you cannot go backwards.'
Another participant, a woman, an aspiring molecular geneticist, agreed with the claim, and the third participant, a man, initially stood on the 'disagree' line but moved over to 'strongly disagree' by the end of the discussion.
When asked by the moderator why she strongly disagreed in the claim, the geneticist responded without hesitation: 'Because I'm a molecular geneticist.'
She continued: 'Being male or being female is a developmental process. You can't go backwards. You cant change your sex, like you cannot do that.'
The geneticist appeared to get emotional while talking about the subject, telling the moderator: 'I'm sorry this bothers me so much. My heart is pounding.'
She then gave her stance on trans women in changing rooms and prisons.
'I go to the women's changing room at my gym and there's a dude there and he's putting on makeup and hoop earrings and this is not something a woman does when she goes to work out,' she explained.
The moderator said he's not familiar with women's changing rooms and asks, is this behavior not common?
She responds: 'No, nor do women beat each other to death. But men do.'
The geneticist claimed that in prisons in California and across the country, women are getting raped and impregned by other 'women.'
'There's a reason why they (trans women) don't want to be in men's prisons,' she said. 'Men beat each other to death. Women don't do that.'

Meanwhile, a transgender prisoner who impregnated two of her fellow inmates at a women's prison in New Jersey has revealed she tried to remove one of her testicles with a razor after being misgendered at her new men's facility.
Demi Minor, 27, was moved from Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women in Union Township to the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility (GSYCF) with male inmates in June after guards learned of the pregnancies.
Minor, who is serving a 30-year sentence for stabbing her former foster father to death, has since complained that she has been mistreated and abused at her new prison, where staff are refusing to acknowledge her gender identity.
In an August 18 post on her Justice 4 Demi blog, she revealed she ended up in the emergency room after using a razor to cut out one of her testicles in an apparent suicide attempt.
'When I began to bleed, I did not even think about dying. I just thought about finally having relief from the pain that I felt,' Minor wrote.
'Being here in a male prison, amplifies the harm that I once felt... I hate it all.'
Minor, who was first jailed at the age of 16, started to transition into a woman in 2020 and was transferred out of the male prison system to Mahan.
The 800-inmate Mahan facility began housing transgender women – including those that have yet to undergo gender reassignment surgery – last year after a lawsuit brought by an inmate and the ACLU. It now has 27 trans prisoners.

Minor explained she began feeling 'hopeless' and 'ignored' at GSYCF on July 28 after she was asked to prove she was transgender despite having provided staff with medical records stating she had been 'on hormones for years.'
She claims she was later told by the committee chair that there were some things that 'we can biologically not change', suggesting that 'regardless of my transition without surgery I am a man.'
'I ignored her comments. But the truth is everything she said hurt, and was hard not to cry in the meeting it was hard to know that the same people who I once admired were now responsible for placing me in harms (sic) way,' she wrote.
'I started cutting again, and with a razor I begin (sic) making a incision to remove my testicle. In my head, I just wanted the pain to stop. I just wanted out of this. They don't know what the hell that I am going through.
'Instead, if you have a penis, you deserve to be in a male prison. That is all central offices cares about,' she added.
Minor added that she has been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, meaning she is 'five times more likely' to die by suicide, but admitted she sometimes 'would rather not be here.
'I have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, and it makes me 5 times more likely to die by suicide. I hide these thoughts. I have often not told anyone how I truly feel, and how sometimes, I would rather not be here'.
Since her transfer, Minor claimed men write her letters asking for sexual favors and that she finds herself in some 'dark places'.