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Deterioration of Public Health Service in Singapore since the change of Minister


Alfrescian (Inf)
Trashy people from the NTUC and the SAF are appointed for the top jobs of the PAP govt... and this is the consequence.

'Tripartism' and 'operational readiness' are two sides of the same uniquely Sinkie scam coin. :cool:

Byebye Penis

Trashy people from the NTUC and the SAF are appointed for the top jobs of the PAP govt... and this is the consequence.

'Tripartism' and 'operational readiness' are two sides of the same uniquely Sinkie scam coin. :cool:
Yes, our healthcare now got a lot of "outside" management people to screw our medical professionals, some functions outsourced and standards-drop and time wasted.

I would say that most admins, nurses, therapists, pharmacists and doctors in public hospitals are very good people who want to serve others, otherwise, they would have left for private or other industries BY NOW. Now, they got people who breathe down their necks who time them for boliao things, amend their HR contract, and other services outsourced.

Example, pharmacists spend a lot of time on computers now, but seriously, these paperworks accuracy in computer database only covers the management's backside, but it exhausts our pharmacists and doesn't improve dispensary accuracy or shorten patient waiting-time.

Data analytics now used to time how fast patients get discharged, everything is about KPI. Your full recovery is not important, but nurses (and on behalf of doctors) need to beg you to write their names on feedback cards to push up their scores for slightly better bonuses and promotion. When doctors hold back patients to stay longer in hospital, just to be sure, Good old senior doctors will be gently reminded while junior doctors get reprimanded.

Do you know that now HR also renegotiate larger "variable component" in monthly pay, eg if you are a senior surgeon, you get $5000 basic (lower than fresh grads) and maybe $35000 for the surgeries that you perform. It is like private sector, we are forcing doctors to recommend patients to operate if they want higher pay. Is such value system correct? They pay well for non medical-professionals and new staff but takes existing ones for granted. For overall pay increment, this year stat boards like DSTA increased pay 4 times, teachers and civil service 2-3 times, 10-25% higher, blar blar blar, our existing medical professionals in public hospital has a lower pay increment, thinking that these kind folks has skillsets that are not employable elsewhere.

For patients, if you study you invoice closely, you know it's just a number game. Some bros here shared about celebrities opening endoscopy centre in Jurong? Let me use this as an example, if you do endoscopy and colonscopy in government hospitals, chances are, your gross sum is much higher than the private one opened by the celebrity, then then then, they will put subsidies, medishield, medisave, then it appears you pay much less or NIL. Please be mindful that Medishield is insurance that you paid for and Medisave is your own money (savings). It is like something is worth $1, but I list $2.50, tell you 50% discount, give you subsidy, end up you still pay $1.

Haha even security guards fuck our medical professionals, i can share a few examples. Eg. Someone dying very soon in ward or A&E, doctor and Senior Nurse let families go in, but security guards who comprised of foreigners, unemployed teens and retired uncles got so much kuku powers, cite protocols and block people from entering. Then if the dying patient's families ask them to open certain doors, despite having assess, they will tell you don't disturb them and go one big round. Got free food from public for medical professionals, they also steal. hahaha

You play until so smelly, good people will eventually leave.

Byebye Penis

For patients, go read the google review of 1fss on google. 1fss takes care of your hospitalization payments.

GKY stepped down in mid-2021.
1fss was formed before covid, during GKY's time but you see the google reviews for 2022. These are just tip of an iceberg.

Byebye Penis

Medical community is concerned that we continue to welcome chinese visitors without PCR and quarantine.

HK is like us, fully vaccinated, exposed to Delta and Omicron but on Christmas weekend, they have 18000 - 20000 daily cases, it hints that there is an infectious new variant from China that we should be wary of. India, Japan and Malaysia imposed additional measures and we are still so complacent.

Byebye Penis


Paul Tambyah's claimed that Government loses 'millions of dollars' from class A wards​


Prof Tambyah said: "Wealthy foreign patients in A class wards pay a rate which is much lower than what they would pay in the private hospitals in Singapore.

"Thus, if you use the (Housing and Development Board's) way of calculating a market subsidy, they are receiving huge subsidies and the Government is actually losing millions of dollars by having A class patients."

Byebye Penis


Paul Tambyah's claimed that Government loses 'millions of dollars' from class A wards​


Prof Tambyah said: "Wealthy foreign patients in A class wards pay a rate which is much lower than what they would pay in the private hospitals in Singapore.

"Thus, if you use the (Housing and Development Board's) way of calculating a market subsidy, they are receiving huge subsidies and the Government is actually losing millions of dollars by having A class patients."
This part is absolutely true:
"The reason why senior doctors stay in the public sector is not because of money. It's primarily because they love research, teaching and looking after poor Singaporeans," he said.

Byebye Penis

Just sharing a related healthcare topic.

Ambulances will be sent out only for emergencies from 2023​


SINGAPORE - The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) will institute a non-dispatch policy next year to cope with increasing demand for emergency services.

The 995 operations centre will assess emergency calls and send out ambulances only when they are deemed to be actual emergencies.

In his speech at the SCDF annual workplan seminar on Friday (June 10), Minister of State for Home Affairs Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim said calls for emergency medical services (EMS) continue to rise.

Byebye Penis

Just sharing a related healthcare topic.

Ambulances will be sent out only for emergencies from 2023​


SINGAPORE - The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) will institute a non-dispatch policy next year to cope with increasing demand for emergency services.

The 995 operations centre will assess emergency calls and send out ambulances only when they are deemed to be actual emergencies.

In his speech at the SCDF annual workplan seminar on Friday (June 10), Minister of State for Home Affairs Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim said calls for emergency medical services (EMS) continue to rise.
Private non-emergency ambulances are pretty much very fucked up.

Poorly equipped, limited first-aid resources very slow in arrival and expensive. They even on lights when not ferrying any patients. These folks are better off driving people go home after they cheong at night or on-serious-note, ferry the disabled.

Our nation's ambulance services are world class. In super-emergency cases, 995 will dispatch a motorcycle medic to reach the patient before ambulance arrives.

In normal-emergencies, the paramedics will assess the patients before leaving the place and before driving off. Our ambulance paramedics are not highly paid, they didn't have the multiple bonuses in 2022 like other civil servants but many loved the job out of passion and wanting to help. They are super well-trained and senior paramedics among the crew are even authorized to administer emergency medications to buy time. The on-board equipment are also impressive and even drivers more humble and professional than your cocky and lazy traffic police* hahaha (all serving the ministry of interior).

*During road disruptions, AETOS are there to fix problems, traffic police mostly just watch.