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Depression HK loser wasted 阿Sir time, sent suicide good bye msg, played hide & seek! attention whole stunt 要跳马上跳!

democracy my butt


青衣情困男發尋死訊息後 一度失聯

on.cc 東網

20.1k 人追蹤

2019年12月30日 下午8:17




香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會: 2389 2222
生命熱線: 2382 0000
明愛向晴軒: 18288
社會福利署: 2343 2255
撒瑪利亞會熱線(多種語言): 2896 0000
東華三院芷若園: 18281
醫管局精神健康專線: 2466 7350
利民會: 3512 2626
賽馬會青少年情緒健康網上支援平台「Open噏」: http://www.openup.hk


Man in Tsing Yi lost contact after sending death message
[on.cc Eastnet]
on.cc Eastnet


December 30, 2019 8:17 pm

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[On.cc East News] A woman received a phone message from her brother today (30th), revealing that she wanted to die because of her life, and attached a photo of the waterfront of Tsing Yi Northeast Park. After reading the message, the woman Frightened, he hurried to call the other party, but the other party didn't answer the phone and did not reply to the message. The woman felt bad, so she called the police at 7pm for help.

After receiving the report, the police dispatched officers to the waterfront to search. At about 10 pm, the police finally contacted the victim and learned that he was unharmed, and it was not ruled out that someone was struggling with feelings and thought of suicide, and the case listed an attempt to commit suicide.

Helpline for suicide prevention:

Hong Kong Samaria Suicide Prevention Association: 2389 2222

Lifeline: 2382 0000

Caritas Xiang Qingxuan: 18288

Social Welfare Department: 2343 2255

Samaritan Hotline (multilingual): 2896 0000

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals: 18281

HA Mental Health Line: 2466 7350

Liminist Association: 3512 2626

Jockey Club Youth Emotional Health Online Support Platform "Open 噏": http://www.openup.hk
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