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Dec 8 (today) officially marks the end of dotard..game over for the fat orange ape, lol


December 8 will put the nail in Trump's unhinged effort to overturn the election

Updated 1947 GMT (0347 HKT) December 7, 2020
Elie Honig is a CNN legal analyst and former federal and state prosecutor.

Most years, December 8 is fairly meaningless date — not a holiday, not an immediately recognizable anniversary of a historical event, but just another day on the calendar. But this year, December 8 marks the federal election "safe harbor" date and with it, an effective end to the increasingly madcap, unhinged effort of President Donald Trump, his campaign and his supporters to challenge the results of the 2020 election.

Understanding the federal safe harbor date, and its importance to our constitutional transition of presidential power, requires a bit of counting backwards. The Constitution requires that the presidential term ends precisely at noon on January 20. Leading up to that date, federal law provides that the Electoral College formally votes on "the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December" -- this year, December 14. Those electoral votes then must arrive in Washington, DC, by December 23 (this dates back to when it took more than a phone call or click of a button to transmit information over long stretches) and Congress formally counts the electoral votes on January 6.
That brings us to the safe harbor date. Under federal law, any state's selection of its presidential electors that has been finalized six days before the formal Electoral College voting date (this year, December 14) is final and presumptively cannot be challenged in court or in Congress. In other words: come December 8, the determinations of the states cannot effectively be challenged -- by Trump or by his "elite strike force" legal team led by Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani. The states are not required to finalize their electoral votes by the safe harbor date -- but if they do, those determinations are protected by federal law.
That doesn't necessarily mean that Team Trump's barrage of pointless, doomed lawsuits will suddenly end (though it should). Ever since it became clear that President-elect Joe Biden had won the election, Giuliani and the rest of Trump's legal team have thoughtlessly fired off lawsuits utterly without regard to facts and the law — two things that tend to matter in courtrooms. And though federal law provides that a state's determination made by the safe harbor date "shall be conclusive," why would Giuliani and company start respecting the law now?
Trump's bizarro-world 'elite strike force' legal challenge is about to implode
Trump's bizarro-world 'elite strike force' legal challenge is about to implode

But the arrival of the safe harbor date should effectively extinguish any dying embers of hope even for the last few remaining election denialists. And what an utter disaster — legally and otherwise — the Trump team's effort to contest the election in the courts has been. The lawyers for Trump and his campaign have had more than 30 lawsuits thrown out or withdrawn from courts across the country almost as quickly as they've been filed. It's tough to identify any one particular low point, but I'll go with the federal district court judge who characterized one of Giuliani's federal lawsuits as "Frankenstein's monster."
The end of these lawsuits is a good thing for anybody who cares about our constitutional process, a smooth transition of power and rule of law. And maybe it's a good thing even for Trump, Giuliani and the rest of those who continue to have visions about overturning the 2020 election. Realistically, it's been over for a while; and now, it's over formally and legally as well.
Now, your questions
William (Washington): Is there a legal process to get rid of the Electoral College?
The Electoral College — the system by which each state casts votes for president based on its total number of US senators plus US representatives — is embedded in Article II of the Constitution. Thus, the only way to get rid of the Electoral College is to amend the Constitution, a laborious process that requires approval from two-thirds of the US Senate, two-thirds of the House of Representatives and then ratification by three-fourths of all states (38 of the 50 states). (There are other even more complex ways to amend the Constitution as well).
Given that the Electoral College tends to benefit less-populated states, it seems extremely unlikely — even if Congress could reach two-thirds majorities in both houses — that the necessary three-fourths of states would approve an amendment abolishing the Electoral College. While the Electoral College is unpopular with a majority of the American public, it likely is here to stay.


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CNN is fake news. :biggrin:

The fun has only just begun. :cool:

Supreme Court or (if necessary) the Lincoln option.

lmao the entire judiciary is anti dotard, every single court has thrown out his fake fraud claim with no evidence, dotard wont even have the chance to smell the toilet of supreme court...meanwhile every state has certified biden won, case closed, game over...next potus pls, lol


Alfrescian (Inf)
lmao the entire judiciary is anti dotard, every single court has thrown out his fake fraud claim with no evidence, dotard wont even have the chance to smell the toilet of supreme court...meanwhile every state has certified biden won, case closed, game over...next potus pls, lol

Lower court is lower court, Supreme Court is Supreme Court.

Lower court reject means speed up the process to the Supreme Court.

It's not Lee Hsien Loong's kangaroo court or the AGC. :wink:

By the way, don't be too distracted by the legal drama and fail to see the bigger picture. :cool:



Lower court is lower court, Supreme Court is Supreme Court.

Lower court reject means speed up the process to the Supreme Court.

It's not Lee Hsien Loong's kangaroo court or the AGC. :wink:

By the way, don't be too distracted by the legal drama and fail to see the bigger picture. :cool:

no supreme court will overturn 40 courts, its a unanimous verdict - dotard is fake fraid, and much less the strong mandate biden received, oh and not forgetting also the judiciary is anti dotard, and this is wat dotard himself say one hor, everyone is conspiring against him, lol

Porfirio Rubirosa

Lower court is lower court, Supreme Court is Supreme Court.

Lower court reject means speed up the process to the Supreme Court.

It's not Lee Hsien Loong's kangaroo court or the AGC. :wink:

By the way, don't be too distracted by the legal drama and fail to see the bigger picture. :cool:

Tik tok...Tik tok...Tik tok...


CNN is fake news. :biggrin:

The fun has only just begun. :cool:

Supreme Court or (if necessary) the Lincoln option.

lmao, cnn has been around for decades, covering unbias reporting across both sides of the aisle, red and blue, reps and dems, over many potuses before dotard and now all of a sudden, cnn has becum fake just coz dotard cant get his way? lmao, fyi cnn is a leading global media and cld not have earned it international accolade by reportimg fake news


Lower court is lower court, Supreme Court is Supreme Court.

Lower court reject means speed up the process to the Supreme Court.

It's not Lee Hsien Loong's kangaroo court or the AGC. :wink:

By the way, don't be too distracted by the legal drama and fail to see the bigger picture. :cool:

and by the same logic, the judiciary is independent and cannot be serving the whim and fancy of a tantrum throwing dictator wannabe orange ape, seeking to overturn the will of the ppl by fake fraud and not able to produce an iota of evidence to 50 courts to date, wat a fucking lame joke, lmao


And many courthouses door is open for him...
Law suits....

Let's count Trump assets that can be seized from his mountains of super class action lawsuits.

Trump tower
Scotland golf
China bank account

Then he can add one more... a 7th time bankruptcy...

lmao the entire judiciary is anti dotard, every single court has thrown out his fake fraud claim with no evidence, dotard wont even have the chance to smell the toilet of supreme court...meanwhile every state has certified biden won, case closed, game over...next potus pls, lol


Lower court is lower court, Supreme Court is Supreme Court.

Lower court reject means speed up the process to the Supreme Court.

It's not Lee Hsien Loong's kangaroo court or the AGC. :wink:

By the way, don't be too distracted by the legal drama and fail to see the bigger picture. :cool:

Yes the bigger picture is the Supreme Court has said NO DONT EVEN TRY to the Donald J Trump Campaign. Ouch :tongue::tongue::tongue:

So much for "Amy Comey Barret" and "Trump SCOTUS" Court. So this is what an independent judiciary looks like :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Supreme Court rejects bid to overturn Pennsylvania result
Published6 hours ago


so many amerikans dying news say 3K! aiyoh. is this pres doing anything or only arguing with the Biden?