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Day 1 of Thambi Tharman as President - No fucking change


Alfrescian (Inf)
Silly child, he is part of the swamp. It is much, much bigger than PAP. :cool:

Hint: talking about 'climate change' in his first speech after getting sworn in.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why is he not draining the swamp???


Why is he not draining the swamp???

What do you expect? Overnight changes from a Constitutional Elected President whom have limited powers by Parliament that is made up of MPs from both current & opposition parties?

The President do have powers, but is limited within the corridors of power, to influence & it takes time. 70% of Singaporeans whom voted had shown trust in him, based upon his DECADES of service & experiences to citizens. CHANGES cannot be overnite, but over time, so that NONE be left behind. We DID NOT ELECT A DICTATOR, nor is Singapore a liberal democracy such as in USA where anything goes, even harms to American Society.

Singapore is a SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, where freedom is guaranteed to all, but freedom is a power that comes with responsibilities to oneself & to loved ones & others sharing the same space in our society.

The insignificant nobody me do understand boredom of some, whom lacked EXCITEMENT in life. If you do feel bored, Casinos are available - just pay up the entry fees ( free for foreigners), have a $500 budget, & get some thrill from card or dice games, of CHALLENGING fate. If you win, enjoy yourself, but if you lost even the $500, you MUST walk away, as gambling is addictive. It is just the excitement that you need to uplift your bored life, & such will NOT hurt or harm others, but only yourself should you lost the budgeted $500.

Politics are NOT akin to Casinos. REAL lives of the MANY - at least 3.5Million citizens & billions of tourists whom visit our shores, are at stake, & thus a need to be circumspect, think issues thoroughly, weigh each cons & pros, discuss & debate to find solutions, before any action taken, or else many lives will suffer or even be lost.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
What do you expect? Overnight changes from a Constitutional Elected President whom have limited powers by Parliament that is made up of MPs from both current & opposition parties?

The President do have powers, but is limited within the corridors of power, to influence & it takes time. 70% of Singaporeans whom voted had shown trust in him, based upon his DECADES of service & experiences to citizens. CHANGES cannot be overnite, but over time, so that NONE be left behind. Singapore is a SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, where freedom is guaranteed to all, but freedom is a power that comes with responsibilities to oneself & to loved ones & others sharing the same space in our society.

The insignificant nobody me do understand boredom of some, whom lacked EXCITEMENT in life. If you do feel bored, Casinos are available - just pay up the entry fees ( free for foreigners), have a $500 budget, & get some thrill from card or dice games, of CHALLENGING fate. If you win, enjoy yourself, but if you lost even the $500, you MUST walk away, as gambling is addictive. It is just the excitement that you need to uplift your bored life, & such will NOT hurt or harm others, but only yourself should you lost the budgeted $500.

Politics are NOT akin to Casinos. REAL lives of the MANY - at least 3.5Million citizens & billions of tourists whom visit our shores, are at stake, & thus a need to be circumspect, think issues thoroughly, weigh each cons & pros, discuss & debate to find solutions, before any action taken, or else many lives will suffer or even be lost.
唐僧 is back ! :biggrin:

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