Unknowns are exciting. Imagine reading a book when you already know how the story will end. It takes all the fun out of it.
But on a serious note how on earth have we ended up being so damned risk adverse? The infection may spread quite rapidly but the mortality rate is extremely low.
I took a look at the chart for Italy and apart from the half dead old farts the rest of the nation is doing very well.
If most of people is rational and sane, all these would not have happen.
Most of the time, it is the emotions that is preying upon us,
fear, anxiety and sentimental.
Because little is known about this causative pa
thogen, even WHO has declared a pandemic, which in turn cause anxiety in normal citizens, lead to panic buying, grumbling, fighting, some even looting.
Humans have sheep mentality. If a large number of people is doing it, to them there must be a persuasive reason, think of the
Tulip Mania during Dutch golden age where everyone thinks scoring it would lead to immense wealth and live happily ever after.
On political side, some politician may exaggerate the situation to further their goals, playing on the victim's family sentiment.
Yes most elderly Italian may have perish, but what about their family who survive this plague?
Those in the office may be pressed to do something to pacify their immediate members, least they lose their political points.
There is currently no cure nor vaccine against this new disease , and medical specialists can only treat the symptoms of the disease.
Even WHO doctors have stated developing a vaccine may take 18 months,
Before this can happen, I'm sure this pandemonium will carry on.