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Daft Sinkie robbed by Siam Bu GF during their 1st Piak Piak session.


Alfrescian (Inf)

S’porean man allegedly drugged by Thai girlfriend, robbed of S$55K Rolex watch.​

Thai girlfriend allegedly robs Singaporean man of Rolex watch
A Singaporean man, Chin Wei Hong, was allegedly drugged by his Thai girlfriend and robbed of a Rolex watch worth 1,500,000 baht (S$55,000).

Other items were also stolen, including a gold necklace, a gold bracelet, cash, and branded clothing items.

Mr Chin met his Thai girlfriend via the Line application, and they had been dating for four years.

The police later identified the woman, who reportedly has three other warrants of arrest related to theft.

Man claimed to be drugged and robbed by Thai girlfriend
Channel 7 HD News reported that Mr Chin did not know his girlfriend’s full name despite their dating history.

They had also never met in person during the four years of talking to each other.

At around 10.30pm on 19 June, Mr Chin arranged to meet his girlfriend and invited her for dinner at his hotel in Ratchada, Bangkok.

While spending time together in the room, they ate some food, after which he began to feel dizzy and disoriented.

Mr Chin subsequently fell asleep without realising it.

He then checked his personal belongings and found out that some expensive items had been stolen. These include:

A gold necklace worth 430,000 baht (S$16,000)
A gold bracelet worth 150,000 baht (S$5,500)
A Rolex Submariner watch worth 1,500,000 baht (S$55,000)
S$800 cash
Branded clothing items.
Police eventually identify the woman
The local police later identified the woman as 33-year-old Kittayakorn.

She was revealed to have three other warrants of arrest related to theft from Lumpakchee Police Station and Pattaya City Police Station.


At around 10.30pm on 19 June, Mr Chin arranged to meet his girlfriend and invited her for dinner at his hotel in Ratchada, Bangkok.

While spending time together in the room, they ate some food, after which he began to feel dizzy and disoriented.

Mr Chin subsequently fell asleep without realising it.

He then checked his personal belongings and found out that some expensive items had been stolen. These include:

A gold necklace worth 430,000 baht (S$16,000)
A gold bracelet worth 150,000 baht (S$5,500)
A Rolex Submariner watch worth 1,500,000 baht (S$55,000)
S$800 cash
Branded clothing items.
Police eventually identify the woman
The local police later identified the woman as 33-year-old Kittayakorn.
Being women-free is the best. you get to keep all your expensive items without worrying of being stolen. Did he check if she is vaccinated before fucking her? i guess no, he seems like a vaccinated sinkie too.