Hot and Popular website in PRC offers rental Boy Friend / Girl Friend especially for the CNY holidays! Prices starts from RMB$300/day to RMB$10K/day.
This is called CNY CONTACT LOVERS!
1 example online advert says:
Daily salary RMB300 offered for girlfriend to accompany a man to return to homeland during CNY period Feb 11 till Feb 15, age 25 - 30 yo. Ang Pow given by all friends and relatives during CNY goes to the girl. The condition is must smartly play the role of girlfriend and not let friends / relatives at home town found out to be a faked girlfriend.
It is Chinese custom during CNY to ask young people who worked away from hometown - usually in big cities about their courtship and expected wedding. This is a great pressure to many young Chinese, as parents and family elders will expect them to bring back boyfriend / girlfriend during CNY holiday, if not then they will NAG at the youths for entire holiday. This is unbearable pain for the youth!
租個女友好過年 賈哥哥林妹妹竄紅大陸
中央社 更新日期:"2010/02/07 17:05"
(中央社台北7日電)租個女 (男)友好過年,成為中國大陸孤獨「超男」、「剩女」春節回家面對父母的頭等大事,「賈(假)哥哥、林(臨)妹妹」價格一天人民幣300元至1萬元都有。
大陸鄉下比較傳統,長輩在春節期間見到返鄉遊子喜歡「問婚」 (問有沒有異性朋友,何時結婚)。如何在好久不見的親友面前賺足面子,就成為返鄉年輕人考慮的問題,於是租個「合約情人」回家過年成為時尚。
This is called CNY CONTACT LOVERS!
1 example online advert says:
Daily salary RMB300 offered for girlfriend to accompany a man to return to homeland during CNY period Feb 11 till Feb 15, age 25 - 30 yo. Ang Pow given by all friends and relatives during CNY goes to the girl. The condition is must smartly play the role of girlfriend and not let friends / relatives at home town found out to be a faked girlfriend.
It is Chinese custom during CNY to ask young people who worked away from hometown - usually in big cities about their courtship and expected wedding. This is a great pressure to many young Chinese, as parents and family elders will expect them to bring back boyfriend / girlfriend during CNY holiday, if not then they will NAG at the youths for entire holiday. This is unbearable pain for the youth!
租個女友好過年 賈哥哥林妹妹竄紅大陸
中央社 更新日期:"2010/02/07 17:05"
(中央社台北7日電)租個女 (男)友好過年,成為中國大陸孤獨「超男」、「剩女」春節回家面對父母的頭等大事,「賈(假)哥哥、林(臨)妹妹」價格一天人民幣300元至1萬元都有。
大陸鄉下比較傳統,長輩在春節期間見到返鄉遊子喜歡「問婚」 (問有沒有異性朋友,何時結婚)。如何在好久不見的親友面前賺足面子,就成為返鄉年輕人考慮的問題,於是租個「合約情人」回家過年成為時尚。