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Serious Criminal Descended AMDK Balls Shrunk Scared Of Repris


Aussie expat scared of reprisal attacks after 'killing' Muslim grandfather with wine bottle in Singapore

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Andrew Gosling, 47, is undergoing psychiatric assessment and is in a fragile emotional state since he was charged with killing 73-year-old Muslim Nasiari Sunee, according to his lawyer.
Speaking with nine.com.au, Singaporean lawyer Gloria James said many Singapore locals were angry at Mr Gosling, who remains detained in Central Police Division.
Andrew Gosling, 47, has been charged over the death of a grandfather in Singapore. (9News)

The psychiatric report will establish if Mr Gosling, who faces five years in prison, is fit to enter a plea.
A court hearing in two weeks could decide if Mr Gosling wins bail - however he may choose to remain locked up. Nine.com.au understands Mr Gosling is incarcerated in a cell with three fellow inmates.
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"There's a possibility Andrew might not wish to be bailed out," Ms James said.
"He fears for his safety."
Ms James said she met Mr Gosling in her law firm's offices twice before the Australian IT specialist handed himself in to police.
"He was clearly distraught and was suffering. He trembled and shook as he spoke. He was also in tears as he did not expect his act to cause the death of someone."
Singapore Police allege Australian Andrew Gosling threw a wine bottle 15 metres from a 7th floor balcony, which then hit and killed Nasiari Sunee, aged 73. (9News)
Nasiari Sunee, pictured with members of his family, died after he was struck on the head with a wine bottle just before eating dinner with family and friends. (9News)
How was Singaporean grandfather Nasiari Sunee killed?
Mr Gosling allegedly lobbed a Polissena Il Boro 2016 wine bottle from his seventh-storey balcony towards a fifth-floor public barbecue area of the Spottiswoode 18 condominium, according to court documents.
The flying bottle struck Mr Nasiari on the head as he was about to eat dinner with his family. After suffering multiple heart failures, he died in hospital the next morning, on August 19.
When asked why Mr Gosling had allegedly thrown the bottle, Ms James called it an "act of mischief".
She said Mr Gosling intended to plead guilty.
Ms James is working with prosecutors in an attempt to reduce Mr Gosling's charges to causing death by negligent act.
She is also hopeful, pending bail, Mr Gosling could be allowed to return to Australia while awaiting trial. The judge would need to be convinced the Australian, who relocated to Singapore only two months ago, was not a flight risk.
Mr Gosling had waited 10 days before he surrendered to police, on August 28.
He handed himself in after Singapore police had swept the 35-storey high-rise, questioning residents and requesting they give fingerprints.
Ms James said she did not know why Mr Gosling had not contacted police immediately.
"I believe he did not realise the severity [of what happened], perhaps he was not aware until fingerprints were being taken from residents. Perhaps he was just fearful and had no one to turn to as he was alone in Singapore."
Mr Gosling faces five years in a Singapore prison if found guilty of causing death by rash act.
A Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade spokesperson told nine.com.au they were providing consular assistance to an Australian man detained in Singapore.
"Owing to our privacy obligations we will not provide further comment," the spokesperson said.
The 35-storey Spottiswoode 18 condominium; Nasiari Sunee, pictured with his wife, died after being hit in the head with a wine bottle allegedly thrown from the high-rise's 7th floor. (Ronny Chin & Associates / Supplied)
An example of the $40 Italian wine bottle Singapore Police found intact next to Nasiari Sunee's body on the night he was fatally wounded at a Singapore high-rise building. (9News)
© Nine Digital Pty Ltd 2019


Alfrescian (Inf)
How did they trace the bottle to the aussie?

Poodles came knocking on every unit and asked "you willing to submit fingerprint?" AMDK chua sai, thinking poodles got his fingerprints lifted off the bottle. Lawyer advised to turn ownself in to mitigate, otherwise if really confirmed through fingerprint, then AM really DK liao. So, the crucial part is to be hit by a bottle that won't picha... winemakers should use more brittle wine bottles and sell it as a plus point.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Muslim man killed AMDK in previous life, so it's evens stevens now.

All karmic debt must be repaid. You cannot delay, prevent or dodge it. If you have to die a sudden, untimely, baffling and violent death, take it like a champ. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Poodles came knocking on every unit and asked "you willing to submit fingerprint?" AMDK chua sai, thinking poodles got his fingerprints lifted off the bottle. Lawyer advised to turn ownself in to mitigate, otherwise if really confirmed through fingerprint, then AM really DK liao. So, the crucial part is to be hit by a bottle that won't picha... winemakers should use more brittle wine bottles and sell it as a plus point.

He could have said he was drunk, and had no recollection of the bottle or whether he had thrown it. The courts would have given an ang moh FT the benefit of the doubt.


Alfrescian (Inf)
He could have said he was drunk, and had no recollection of the bottle or whether he had thrown it. The courts would have given an ang moh FT the benefit of the doubt.

Next time police will come to every unit in a block, to collect DNA to find out who threw that, bloody sanitary pad, that condom filled will jizz. The men will have to give sample on the spot... ha ha ha


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
What's the psychology behind all these people who throw things, whether it is wine bottle, sanitary pads, newspapers, ciggee buds, etc etc out of their window?


It is all an accident ... there are hundreds if not thousands of killer litters everyday. It just that this one unluckily hit the jackpot. So are we going to enforce those that escape. There are thousands of car speeding on the road, good luck to you if you are involved in an accident or else you can go away scot free. This is the irony.

IQ and Race

syed putra

It is all an accident ... there are hundreds if not thousands of killer litters everyday. It just that this one unluckily hit the jackpot. So are we going to enforce those that escape. There are thousands of car speeding on the road, good luck to you if you are involved in an accident or else you can go away scot free. This is the irony.

IQ and Race
Thus can easily be resolve using wide angle cctv placed on opposing blocks.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Thanks to our secular system, the white man will have to answer for his crimes in a fair manner instead of our society descending into mob racial violence everytime a man is hurt or killed by someone of a different race or religion. We are lucky to be governed by PAP instead of UMNO or PAS.


S299 case, culpable homicide. He throw bottle, we throw book at him.

You hope long long.

He an AMDK and Foreign Talent too.
He be forced to write a public letter of apology and be fined $100



What's the psychology behind all these people who throw things, whether it is wine bottle, sanitary pads, newspapers, ciggee buds, etc etc out of their window?
a few. cannot pigeonhole into 1 neat group.

in this particular case, he is chow ang moh getting upset they making too much noise. so do his AMDK superiority complex thing and just chuck bottle. really what it is is typical white aggression channeled into a unwitting poor Malay uncle victim.

otherwise regular HDB killer litter is literally bo chap attitude. or selfishness and disdain for society in general.

1 minute summary.... :whistling:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Next time police will come to every unit in a block, to collect DNA to find out who threw that, bloody sanitary pad, that condom filled will jizz. The men will have to give sample on the spot... ha ha ha

Do they have professional semen collectors in the forensics department?



He could have said he was drunk, and had no recollection of the bottle or whether he had thrown it. The courts would have given an ang moh FT the benefit of the doubt.

When all foreign shits working and living in SG could use claim drunkenness for committing offences, spore would have long ago become a wild wild west country. It would be interesting to see whether this FS would be allowed bail to flee to his home country. Strong Govt means security for spore; weak Govt is death for the country.


Thanks to our secular system, the white man will have to answer for his crimes in a fair manner instead of our society descending into mob racial violence everytime a man is hurt or killed by someone of a different race or religion. We are lucky to be governed by PAP instead of UMNO or PAS.

It is all about justice and accountability; it does not matter whether spore is governed by paps or non-paps. If the paps is a bunch of good for nothings, justice will not be served.