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Crazy Taiwanese Young Lamborghini Driver FAKED CRYING WITHOUT TEARS @ killed GF Funeral

democracy my butt



2018/08/03 09:44:00

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Fake crying? Rich and farewell, see her body the day before! Exploded: crying for a minute without tears
2018/08/03 09:44:00

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Reporter Su Yizhen / Taipei Report
The son of the founder of the Mind Sea, Yu Ning, drove the super-running Lan Bao Jian Ni’s girlfriend Liu Yingcai to cause 2 deaths and 3 injuries. This morning, Liu Niu held a farewell ceremony at the first funeral parlour in Taipei. Entering the mourning hall, the reporters on the spot observed that there was no one to help Yu Ning, and it seemed to have recovered a lot when he was in a wheelchair to attend the farewell ceremony of another worker. After the rich entered the hall, the door was closed. According to the news, in fact, as early as yesterday, it was already at the funeral parlour to see the "last side" of the dead girlfriend.

▲ fake cry? Rich and farewell, see her body the day before! Exploded: crying for a minute without tears. (Figure / flip screen)
According to the understanding, on the evening of last night, You Yining arrived at the funeral parlour to see his girlfriend's body. After more than a month, he saw his girlfriend again. Rich and a little crying for a minute, crying is amazing, but according to ETTODAY, rich and poor The cries were amazing, but when the hands were put down, there was no tear on his face.



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The Chinese should not be allowed to drive powerful Ang Moh cars because they don't have the same skills.

Just look at how good the Ang Mohs are in comparison.


syed putra

Chinese should stick to this type of vehicle


  • rickshaw-China-driver.jpg
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Scrooball (clone)

This scumbag should be smashed by a truck! This reminds me of some scumbag Sinkie fucker who killed a car sales exec when he speed during test drive.

Submitted by farhan on Mon, 22/06/2015 - 12:19am

Angelia He Xue Li, whose life was tragically cut short at the tender age of 22 as a result of the reckless driving of Regan Lee Da Wen.
In October 2005, Lee had walked into the showroom where Ms. He worked, saying that he wanted to test drive a Mazda MX-5 sports car. Ms. He agreed to attend to him even though she was already off duty and planning to meet up with friends after work. Despite his unfamiliarity with the Paya Lebar area and extensive road works there, Lee still drove at speeds in excess of 90km/hr. He lost control of the car, causing it to cross a road divider and crash into a BMW approaching from the opposite direction. The impact then caused the car to flip over and crash onto the roof of an oncoming van. Ms. He died of her injuries an hour later in hospital, while both the occupants of the BMW were seriously injured.


Despite killing a young woman who was “a very nice helpful girl” according to everyone who knew her and seriously injuring two others, Lee remained free while the police “investigated” the case. That would have been the end of the matter, except that Lee showed absolutely no remorse over causing the death of Ms. He and the injuries to the occupants of the BMW. Instead, he went on an online forum for car owners and buyers and bragged about how he may end up having to but two different sports cars if he couldn’t decide how to choose between them. On of the forum members who went by the handle of “Legendkiller” recognized Lee as the driver whose reckless stupidity killed his friend, Ms. He.

Angered by the fact that Lee was still free and driving, and showing absolutely no remorse for killing Ms. He, as seen by his shopping for sports cars, Legendkiller paid $1,000/- of his own money to hire a private investigator to obtain evidence that Lee was the driver of the MX-5. The PI found the evidence, and Legendkiller presented it to the Traffic Police. Incredibly, the TP said that they don’t have sufficient evidence to prosecute Lee. They even said that as the road where the accident had occurred had been resurface, they might not be able to obtain evidence that Lee had been speeding.

Outraged by the attitude of the police, Legendkiller publicly unmasked Lee as the man who caused Angelia He’s death. It didn’t take long for mounting public anger to result in Lee receiving threats of physical violence and even death. At this point, 18 months after killing Ms. He, the police finally charged Lee. Incredibly, he was allowed to plea bargain from a reckless act, which would have earned him several years in prison, to a rash act, which earned him only a fine and seven months in prison and a 10 year ban from driving.

Following sentencing, Ms. He’s father, and odd-job laborer, lamented that he wondered who would now look after him and his homemaker wife since their only child had died.

Editor's Note: A reader sent us this old article about this man, Regan Lee Da Wen, because his 10 year driving ban expires this year in October. If you are the original poster and have concerns, please PM us to discuss.

- More at AllSingaporeStuff.com https://www.allsingaporestuff.com/a...n-whose-reckless-driving-killed-car-salesgirl
FB: http://fb.com/allsgstuff

democracy my butt

Fucking Swine Spoilt Brat family sponsored funeral and Wayang bowing at funeral, trying to reduce anger and reduce sentences.


富少父母送棺狂找鏡頭 遭批作秀

三立新聞網 setn.com13 分鐘前


毒駕撞飛母女檔 4歲女童遭輾爆頭亡
富少7天現身3次 告別式從側門閃離
富少現身告別式 遭家屬拒正門進入
公部門海報設計 醜爆長輩風笑噴網友

Rich parents sent madness to find the camera

Sanli News Net
三立新闻网 setn.com13 minutes ago
Reporter Yang Zhonghan, Yu Qingyu / Taipei Report
The mind of Haifu Shaoyou was on the morning of the 7th, carrying his girlfriend on the morning of the 7th, driving the sapphire of the self-improving tunnel in Taipei City. The result was accidentally hitting the maintenance truck, resulting in Liu Yingcai, a girlfriend of the passenger seat, and an engineering staff member. Death, today (3) at 8:30 in the morning at the first funeral parlour in Taipei, the pavilion was held. After the end, the group followed the delivery, but the team did not see the rich figure, only the rich and the young parents followed the team, everywhere Looking around, obviously looking for the camera, in front of the media, suspected of using the media to fight the layout, people can not help but suspect that there is a show suspect!

▲The rich parents followed the team's last party and apologized to the left and right side shots. (Photo / reporter Yang Zhonghan photography)
Fu Shaojia attended the farewell ceremony of his girlfriend Liu Yingcai. After Yu Yining entered the hall from the side door, the door was closed. When the farewell ceremony ended, the relatives of the Liu girl were responsible for moving to the second cremation, and the atmosphere of the team was quite mournful. All the way to the raft to get on the bus, while the male mother was wearing a white coat, hands clasped to the end of the team, as soon as he walked out of the hall, he began to look around and found that both sides stood full of media, and then quickly turned back to signal the husband to come, the two Apologizing to the left side, and then to the right side of the lens, and the team sent to the front is obviously different, it is inevitable that people think that there is a suspected show, and then turned into the hall.

▲ Liu female relatives sent the team. (Photo / reporter Yang Zhonghan photography)
More Sanli News Network reports
The poisonous drive hits the female mother file. The 4-year-old girl suffers from a headshot.
Rich and less than 7 days, 3 appearances, farewell, flashing from the side door
Rich and poor appearances, the family refused to enter the door
Public department poster design

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Why isn't he culled, I mean killed? He is a clear and present danger to humans and animals!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
This Lamborghini case is Taiwan not mainland.

I can find you 1000 videos of Ang Moh blur fuck and stupid drivers too.

The Taiwanese are Chinese too you twit. Of course there are blur Ang Moh drivers but when it comes to the best drivers in the world you cannot beat the Ang Mohs.


I agree with you. On top of that, the Italians designed supercars with Pierce Brosnan or George Clooney in mind, not Ma Yun.