WP stalker cum psychotic TR Watch dare not reply to private messages via intermediaries to meet up with TR!
He only dares to hide behind Sammyboy to spam the forum with his threads which nobody bother to reply.
Now, when Goh Meng Seng was in WP, he was close to only two or three members in WP Youth.
This TR Watch is disgracing WP with his most perverted and childish actions!
Why are you absent from Monday's WP Open House? Getting cold feet that your identity has been leaked out?
Will you be present at Mr Low Thia Kiang's meet the people session today?
He only dares to hide behind Sammyboy to spam the forum with his threads which nobody bother to reply.
Now, when Goh Meng Seng was in WP, he was close to only two or three members in WP Youth.
This TR Watch is disgracing WP with his most perverted and childish actions!
Why are you absent from Monday's WP Open House? Getting cold feet that your identity has been leaked out?
Will you be present at Mr Low Thia Kiang's meet the people session today?