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coronavirus will end 29may2021...


Corona Virus To End May 29th, Says Indian Boy Who Correctly Predicted It's Start, 8 Months Ago


On August 22nd 2019, on his YouTube channel conscience, 14 year old Abighya Anand, predicted that the world will enter into a tough phase starting November 2019 to April 2020.

This 6 month period will see spread of a global disease and rise in global tensions. At the height of it all will be March 31st which will mark the climax of this state, with the world looking tense.

However on May 29th as the earth orbits away from this tough period, it will mark the decline of the global disease as spread of it will be more manageable.

Anand, is a famous Indian protégé who has been featured on numerous magazines. Notably in 2013 he was interviewed on the Indian Times where his astrological skills were put to test. And to the amazement of many, his knowledge on astrology was considered child’s play.

He has rightly by use of astrology predicted prices of gold and silver and other Indian related activities.

On the corona virus, it is to be noted that it is a global war. A war between the virus and humanity, and whether governments are involved is your guess. But one thing is clear, it is war nonetheless. This he insists.


Why Anand considers March 31st to be the climax is based on astrology. Where he cites that Mars will conjunct with Saturn and Jupiter while the Moon and Rahu, will also conjunct. Rahus is the north node of the Moon.

This is a rare occurrence since in astrology Mars Saturn and Jupiter are considered the most powerful planets due to the fact that they all are on the outer ring of the solar system. Hence when they are all aligned, their power over earth is enormous.

While as for the Moon and Rahu conjunction, it is also very powerful since the Moon is considered the planet of watery spreading. While as for Rahu it is considered the communicator planet.

In terms of watery spreading he notes that, the coughing and sneezing will happen mostly at this time thus spreading the disease further. It is thus vital to observe social distancing during this time. That is March 31st and April 1st.


As for May 29th according to his astrological understanding the axis will be broken, and thus the planetary arrangement more favorable for a cure.

From this point on cases of reduction of the disease will be reported. As for the economy, the slowdown is predicted to end in November of 2021.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
1. The Global disease is not COVID is the dis-ease caused by being fooled /rofl.........

2. Predict lanjiao those who knows will not speak and try to acquire fame. Those who really knows will not speak.


Aiyah... I also have the vision that something will happen by end of the year 2019.

With US bully hammering HK for every weekends and this nonsense has to stop.

CIA is going to interfere HK and buffoon Trump rhetoric and nonsense on China soon. The game maker Rothschild, illuminati, and Bones and Skull are behind it.

I already consider bioweapon attack to shut down the world economy. Virus attack is one of them.

To get rid of Trump admin is not going to be easy, but need the world economy to shut down before the US election or Trump reelection.

The is a war with no single bullet fired. Excellent and tremendously well thought....


many predicted around July and aug becos they thought it would be like sars!

In the end, all countries wanna kill their tourism industries and make their own peo lose jobs just for this flu tat does not have high risk of death!


Alfrescian (Inf)
many predicted around July and aug becos they thought it would be like sars!

In the end, all countries wanna kill their tourism industries and make their own peo lose jobs just for this flu tat does not have high risk of death!

Everyone was led astray by Uncle Tedros and the WHO.

Taiwan, which was left out of the WHO for petty reasons, has ironically become the undisputed gold standard when it comes to dealing with the pandemic. :cool:

P.S: I hope certain avaricious people aren't extending the lockdown as long as possible because they have heavily invested into developing a vaccine. Conspicuous references to a 'new normal' and promising a return to normalcy once a vaccine is available etc. :wink:



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14-Year-Old Boy Who Accurately Predicted COVID-19 Says It’ll End On 29 May 2020
3 minutes reading time
Ra Krishnan
Ra KrishnanViral News

Update, 9 April: This little astrologer is back with updates – read about it here!

Astrology. Some people love it (re: horoscopes), some people can’t begin to comprehend it. But turns out, the answer to COVID-19 might just be lying in the cosmos.

Meet 14-year-old Abhigya Anand. Hailing from India, this kiddo is probably the world’s youngest astrologer.

Way back in August 2019, he uploaded a video on his channel, gravely titled ‘SEVERE DANGER TO THE WORLD FROM NOV 2019 TO APRIL 2020’. Yikes.

Turns out, Abhigya accurately predicted what we know now to be the novel coronavirus, a.k.a COVID-19.

Predicted a global ‘widespread disease’
In his video, which went up on 22 August, Abhigya mentioned that there would be a “widespread disease across the world”. He went on to share that the world would be faced with bad crises and even a “time of war”, namely from November 2019 to April 2020.

Or in his words, a “sinister semester”. Oof.

abighya anand astrologer

Abhigya gave his presentation with a full chart prepared too

Strangely enough – while not directly referring to the virus – Abhigya said that China “would be badly affected” due to planetary alignments and an unlucky lunar eclipse causing a rise in global tensions, which would peak on 31st March.

On that note, he shared that “rich” countries would go on to take a huge hit economically – an unnerving foreshadowing of the coming risk of recession.


Image credit: ABC News

In a new video that went up on 26th March, Abhigya reviewed the global COVID-19 situation and explained why the planets aligning had a part to play in this.

31st March was predicted to be the climax of crisis because “Mars will conjunct with Saturn and Jupiter, while the Moon and Rahu will also conjunct.”

In Hindu astrology, Rahu is one of the nine major astronomical bodies, described as a “shadow entity” that causes eclipses. Astrologers believe that this, paired with the alignment of such powerful planets like Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn, are said to have huge effects on Earth.

Axis will break on 29th May 2020
But good news people – the planets aren’t out to kill us just yet. Abhigya stated that the planetary axis will be broken on 29th May, bringing back order to the world. We can only hope this means a slowing down of COVID-19 infections being spread, or a vaccine being formed.

The kiddo did reassure viewers that there are “solutions for everything”, though people would need to put in a lot of effort into finding them.

Netizens both shook and amused
Needless to say, the internet was thoroughly shook thanks to Abhigya’s predictions.

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