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Coronavirus: Rise in domestic abuse cases as families forced to stay home


Lieutenant General
SINGAPORE (THE NEW PAPER) - Since she started telecommuting a few weeks ago, she has faced more verbal and physical abuse from her husband, who has always worked from home.

Friction between the couple has become worse now that they are together almost all the time, the woman's social worker, Ms Kristine Lam, told The New Paper.

One of the flashpoints is her husband's harsh disciplining of their two young children, who stopped going to kindergarten a while ago because of the Covid-19 outbreak.

When she tries to help them, he would turn his anger towards her and become violent.

"Her husband would accuse her of being a lousy mother who was incapable of managing the kids," said Ms Lam, who declined to reveal their personal details due to confidentiality.

"He would push her and bang her head against the wall. He also hit her with his hands."

She said the man had always been abusive and controlling, such as checking his wife's phone and laptop, but the frequency of his violence rose after she began working at home.

More at https://www.straitstimes.com/singap...c-abuse-cases-as-families-forced-to-stay-home


99.9% hubby is not getting 'it'. So whose fault? The Women's Charter for brainwashing women into thinking sex MUST be consensual.

For men, sex is a need. Just like food. Deprive him and his actions will show same violence like looking for food.


99.9% hubby is not getting 'it'. So whose fault? The Women's Charter for brainwashing women into thinking sex MUST be consensual.

For men, sex is a need. Just like food. Deprive him and his actions will show same violence like looking for food.