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Complain Queen - so exaggerating


Madam Chen told Shin Min Daily News. She lives with her mother and niece at Block 117A Jalan Tenteram in the Balestier vicinity. "It was a nightmare from day one," she recounted. "I returned home at around 3pm to loud sounds of banging and drilling. I could even feel the tremor from the floor." https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/i...-works-leave-womans-balestier-flat-shambles-0

What's wrong with banging and drilling at 3pm??? Crazy cunt, she can renovate in the past, and people can't? These days, even we deliver furniture are night, people also complain.


"I even cut myself while I was cleaning up the debris."

She kekok, also want to blame others. whose wife ah?


Madam Chen is now upset to find out that the renovation works had been delayed. "I recently found out through the OneService app that the end date would now be Nov 27. It has been two months since, and the air-conditioner has not been installed yet.

This auntie so paranoid, she went to peek at neighbour and help monitor progress see aircon installed or not like Project Manager. how much noise can aircon installation make? these days we have service balcony don't even need much drilling.


Why she no show face?

Her dressing table look that like those vain old-maids. Reporters take photo of her, hair also so messy.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Why she no show face?

Her dressing table look that like those vain old-maids. Reporters take photo of her, hair also so messy.

KNN, at midnight she will remove her head and place it in front of that mirror and comb her hair like in this scene.



Why she no show face?

Her dressing table look that like those vain old-maids. Reporters take photo of her, hair also so messy.
you mean act cute vain old-maids. probably some mediacorp celebrity fan club president also