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Serious Commies up to no good in UN


Panda Xi thrash talking in UN, moaning Uncle Sam bullying CCP but neglecting facts that CCP bullies smaller Asean basket cases.....

The CCP is indeed the cancer of the land.



Alfrescian (Inf)
He also said he would export Tiong Covid vaccines to Africa. That's ethnic cleansing of black people! :eek:

Let Winnie enjoy himself on the world stage, even the likes of Gaddafi had their two minutes of fame at the UN. I predict he won't live to see the end of Trump's second term. Let's see who/what deals the coup de grâce. :cool:


Bad mouthing Chinese or China is safer, but not necessarily safe. Try bad mouthing Muslim and Allah if u hv balls....

Let's see if u hv balls...

Panda Xi thrash talking in UN, moaning Uncle Sam bullying CCP but neglecting facts that CCP bullies smaller Asean basket cases.....

The CCP is indeed the cancer of the land.

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