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Commander in Chief Zelensky is now in Belgorod. Doomsday approaching for the Russkies.


Alfrescian (Inf)
aiyah. prigozhin already said russians will revolt if the war doesn’t go well for putin. he compares his troops to lowly serfs being sent to die while sons of oligarchs and kremlin elites are “basking their arses in the sun”. more insurrection in other parts of russia is sexpected.


aiyah. prigozhin already said russians will revolt if the war doesn’t go well for putin. he compares his troops to lowly serfs being sent to die while sons of oligarchs and kremlin elites are “basking their arses in the sun”. more insurrection in other parts of russia is sexpected.
So the "war" will be won by Ukraine in Russia?
Slava Ukraini!